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Thread: 1986 Thunderbird Turbocoupe 5.0HO 5spd needs finished

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    1986 Thunderbird Turbocoupe 5.0HO 5spd needs finished

    I have a 1986 Turbocoupe coupe that I purchased last year and was planning on building the 2.3when I bought it but the engine went to crap within a week or 2 after buying the car. So I ended up deciding to go a different route which was a 5.4 triton but after much cost and the project not coming along quik enough I went with plan c and put a 5.0 carb in the car but just dont have the time to finish. I have a complete list of new parts which include "ALL" brand new front suspension with a qa1 tubular k-member which supports the 4.6/5.4 plus the 5.0 mounting. Brand new brakes all around with calipers, hoses, rotors and newly built 8.8 3.73 rearend. I have new springs and struts/shocks for the backend too. I will try and gather a list of parts I have to go on and already on the car. This was a last minute decision to sell so I'm just trying to get word out for now. I'm looking at selling the car as/is non-running (needs efi regulator and finished) for 1800. I really am not happy about selling the car but if anyone is interested in it or enough parts I may part it out just due to no time and I have some other things I would like to redirect the money to for now.
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