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Thread: Parachute story..

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  1. #1
    73 2.3 Turbo Pinto map351's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Parachute story..

    This story was on Jalopy Journal. As you're reading it, you know what's going to happen.....and it does.

    Well, I am a very young 63 and don't plan on getting much older. B-days no more for me. Here is a funny one for you. Not too funny then, but now...he he he.

    In 1959 AHRA and NHRA passed a rule that said "if you go more than 140 mph, you gotta have a parachute". We went passed 140 regularly so pop got one from the Navy (16' ring slot type). The thing would stop a Mack truck on a dime. When my brother and i got off from school, we went to the shop like we laways did. Pop was off in the filed somehwere on ajob. There it was, a brand spanking new parachute. Too much for us to pass up. Travis (brother) tied it on the bumper of the Ranchero, threw the rest into the bed and said lets try it out. He ans a friend got into the back of the Ranchero and i drove. We got going about 80 mph and Travis threw out the back of the Ranchero. HOLY SHIT BATMAN, the thing blossomed out, slammed the Ranchero to a dead stop, threw Travis and the friend over the roof onto the hood and almsot onto the road, pulled the bumper off the ranchero and broke the freinds arm. We nearly shit ourselves. Pop was gonna be pissed about the bumper,,,screw the friend with the broken arm,,,LOL. We went back to the shop and tried to put the bumper back on, but is was way too bent and f..cked up. Bottom line, we got our asses beat, but we lived through it.
    289 slabside cobra

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    ha if i ever get a chute on my car i want to try it down the highway lol

  3. #3
    Mustang Guru billyNOTnice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Huntingdon PA
    lol that's awesome... bad idea, but awesome.
    Roll With The Mill Creek Mafia

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