Ill be starting my car for the first time this weekend most likely, and would like advice from you guys on how i should go about doing a few things.
im going to prime my oil pump of course, but have a few questions on this.
1) can i fill my engine with oil through the distributor hole? im going to have my valve covers off so i can make sure oil is comming up through all of my pushrods so i didnt plan on filling through there.
2) should i fill my oil filter with oil before i put it on since this is my first start up? I figure this way, all of my parts will get oil sooner when i start it, rather than having the oil pass through the filter first
3)How should i go about priming my oil? ive read a little on this but not sure. from what i understand, i need to use a drill. but what do i put on the drill so i can connnect it to the oil pump drive shaft? also, which way do i spin it - clockwise or counterclockwise?
4) How do i properly install the dizzy? from what ive read, ill need to make sure piston #1 is at TDC...then what? do i just drop it in?
5) Once i get it started, how should i go about breaking it in? obviously im not going to go around ripping on it, but is there a certain rpm i should be staying under? should i be doing a lot of engine breaking to slow the car down or what? about how many miles should i be easy on it?
6) Finally, how often should i be changing the oil throughout the first few thousand miles of its life? and what kind of oil should i be using? ive heard to not use synthetic at first.
Sorry this was long as hell but i want to do it right and try to not ruin anything! any help would be greatly appreciated!
