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Thread: Quick amp question

  1. #1
    Almost Done Black87GT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Selinsgrove, PA

    Quick amp question

    Ok, i have an old kenwood kac-606 amplifier that i use to power 2 10" rockford fosgates (old series 1) anyways, i had all of this out of my car for awhile and i went to hook them back up today, had everything hooked up and ready to go, except for the battery wire (wire that runs from the batt. directly to the amp) and i went to screw it down and bumped the case and it sparked (tiny) and now the little triangle light (comes on when amp is turned on) wont come on when i turn the car/stereo on.... did i blow the amp or what? ive checked both fuses (amp fuse + batt. wire fuse) both are fine... so i took the amp apart to "eyeball" it to see if i could see any obvious burnt parts or anything.. but i didnt see anything, when i first did it, it smelled burnt, but the smell went away i really didnt think just bumping the case for a brief second would blow the amp completely without blowing a fuse??? (this amp worked yesterday when it was hooked up, but i took it all out to wire it better)

    So my question is... does it sound like my amp is blown or what?
    1. wild animal : a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a sturdy square body, large cubic inches, a wide RPM range , and comes in many colors. Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of power and acceleration. They feed on mostly small rodents like rats(BBC) , mice (SBC) and snakes(Cobras).

  2. #2
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    This sounds like a question for First Bass in the Advertising Section.
    Steel City Muscle Cars
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  3. #3
    Almost Done Black87GT's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Selinsgrove, PA
    I figured it out anyways... the ground i hooked up 2 days ago, all of the sudden isent good enough lol.. works fine if i sit the amp on metal, but when i let go the amp turns right back off... looks like ill be finding a better ground tomorrow.
    1. wild animal : a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a sturdy square body, large cubic inches, a wide RPM range , and comes in many colors. Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of power and acceleration. They feed on mostly small rodents like rats(BBC) , mice (SBC) and snakes(Cobras).

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