Honda CRF450R - I've actually had it and been riding it for about a month now.... but I have never been super crazy about Honda red, so here are some pics of it when i bought it and a few from after its transformation..... Unbelievably awesome bike - I will miss certain aspects of my RM265 (2stroke), but overall i'm absolutely thrilled with the bike! This CRF and my RM are very similar in power, but completely different in how they deliver the power! I could go on and on, but we'll just get to the good part - the pics



The seat is not actually bolted on right now, b/c the staplegun I have to put the seat cover on isn't strong enough to push completely down through and hold the seat cover securely... So all that's left is to get the seat cover on securely and #21 on the number plates, and she's finished!