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Thread: How / Why does a single turbo work on a v-style engine?

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    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Lightbulb How / Why does a single turbo work on a v-style engine?

    Just out of curiousity??? I see a lot of single-turbo systems for sale for the 05^ mustang GTs. I understand the basics of HOW the system works. The turbo is hooked up to the exhaust header/manifold on one side or cylinder head of the engine and that runs the turbo which is connected via cai/mas/tb to the intake manifold.

    Here are my questions:

    What kind of back-pressure is on that cylinder head that runs the turbo compared to the other side? Is it different or not. It seems to me that pushing that turbo would create a little more back-pressure on that head while the other head is just pushing right out the free-flowing exhaust. If this is, indeed the case, would one cylinder head produce more or less power than the other side? And, would the valvetrain on the turbo side take more abuse, especially on the exhaust valves? And, if one side does make more power, how would this effect the rods on that side and what about the added stress on 1/2 of those crank bearings???

    Like I said, I'm just curious how and/or why it works.

    Last edited by Troll; 01-07-2007 at 06:14 PM.

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