Im having a little problem with my tranny grinding while putting it in second gear. its a t-5 by the way
heres the catch though: it only does this going uphill while shifting into second.
EVERY other time i put it in second on a level surface or downhill, if i am upshifting, downshifting watever, it does NOT grind, and shifts nice and smooth. i havent tried putting it into other gears going uphill tho, only second. I've only driven it for probably a total of 1/2 mile since i got it running because of bad weather and not having it inspected or registered yet.
i am using (i think, hard to remember) penzoil ATF and i think its non-synthetic. and when i filled it up, i took the top plug out and filled through the shifter hole till it started pouring out of the top plug then plugged it back up. i dont see it leaking anywhere so i dont think its losing tranny fluid.
do i have enough fluid? should i switch to a better fluid? what is the deal here?