Norwalk's No Box Bonanza this past October.
Did we win? No. Did we have a blast? Big time. Cobra II/Markie made it down to 3 cars on that Sunday.
Norwalk's No Box Bonanza this past October.
Did we win? No. Did we have a blast? Big time. Cobra II/Markie made it down to 3 cars on that Sunday.
Yeah I have a heck of a pitt beotch.
If you are dialin a 13.5 way lower than u know u are goin to run and u are positive u aren't goin to run faster then a 13.9 or 14.0. Would this hurt u in anyway? Does it matter much, of how close u run to what u dial in?
Steel City Muscle Cars
Flashlight Drags
Modded Mustangs
Good question... let's do the math...
Take the 13.9 you know you won't run faster than... subtract the 13.5 you are dialing just to be safe... and you get a difference of 4 tenths (.4).
If the other car runs its dial, what you need to happen in order to win, is to be that 4 tenths, plus a couple hundredths, better on the tree. That is a lot to ask, and while it it possible, it is not probable.
You Opponent
RT .050 .200 (we'll say you were pretty good, and OPP wasn't)
ET 13.90 14.00
Dial 13.50 13.90
One of the best ways I can describe this is to think of "the package":
Package = reaction time (RT), plus the amount over your dial (your elapsed time [ET] minus your dial in)
Your package in the above scenario:
.450 (.050 + .400 [13.90-13.50=.400])
Opponent's package:
.300 (.200 + .100 [14.00-13.90=.100])
Margin of victory (MOV) = .150 for your opponent, a little over a full car length.
That's one example of why you wouldn't want to go that extreme in dialing way down to be safe. Keep track of what your car is doing, and try to do the same thing every pass on a bracket day... tire pressure, engine temp, stage the same, hit the shifts the same... make the car as consistent as possible.
For a new racer, I would say if you are worried about breaking out, it would be ok to dial down a little, say, .02 (two hundredths). If you're running Trophy, you can only dial to the tenth, though. Your safe dial could be found there though.... if you're running 13.95 in the time trials, you can dial a 13.90.
Does that help?
Yeah, most definately! Thanx!
Steel City Muscle Cars
Flashlight Drags
Modded Mustangs
Whoa Chuck that was intense, I was lost haha. I'm going to give it a try to explain it with less math.
The reason bracket racing uses dial-in's is to allow everyone to race and be able to compete. It takes the faster car wins factor out of it. The computer takes the dials each driver puts on his car and tells the tree (lights) to give the slower car a head start, the difference between the two dials on the cars. The dial is supposed to make both cars even at the finish line. So say you are the slower car and you dial a 13.50 and your car can only run a 13.90, then you are giving yourself less of a head start, 4 tenths of a second less (.4) which is actually a lot in bracket racing. This is why you want to dial your car as close to what it will run as you can, because you want to maximize your head start or if you the faster car you don't want to give them too much head start.
If both drivers run exactly what they dialed it would be a tie at the finish line, but this is where reaction time comes into place. If both cars run exactly what they dialed then whoever has the better reation time (the holeshot) will beat the other car to the finish line because of the better reaction time.
This is much easier to explain in person and some paper. If you are coming to the practice tree race we can explain it to you in person.![]()
I'm not much of a math man myself! LOL But expained right, I usually pick it up! Usually that is!! Haha Thanx guyz!
Steel City Muscle Cars
Flashlight Drags
Modded Mustangs
good stuff. this thread is working out great & the info in here is why I tell new guys to always come up on race days as opposed to test & tunes. usually you wouln't find many regular class racers at a test & tune, but if hang around & ask questions ( you'll see the people in this thead on any race day & I know that any of us will be glad to help you ) on a race day, you'll learn alot. just be patient & come up as often as you can & you'll have it figured out before long.
2014 301a GT a6
5c circle d conv, 3.31's, kooks l/t's & orh, stock intake, bmr susp
Yep, I'm happy to sit and explain it. I'm always there on race days. I will be at a number of the April weekend test n tunes. I rarely make the weekeday test n tunes, but if someone wanted some advice, I'd be willing to go up and talk. It will take some time to get the hang of, and you may need a couple of people to explain the same concept to you, before one of those explanations makes sense. Mike's post is a good example. We're saying the same thing, just different ways. Which ever one works for you, that's all that matters. My uncle, back in '01, lost a good 3-4 rounds, having guys beat by a country mile, but he kept breaking out, and never lifted. I tried explaining to him he needed to lift, but it didn't sink in until someone else explained it differently.
I loose more races this way than I can count. I can not make that connection with my right foot to lift, even knowing I'm headed to break out. I got better at it last year, but still lost rounds because of it. My dial in is real simple, I put a number on the window that is slightly better than what I think the car can run, and drive it out the back :D I make way less mistakes than trying to mess around and out think everything.
I thought that they're would be more Bracket racer's on here, really, umM!
Yeah, that's why I asked that question a few thread's posts ago, about dial in times. I don't want to be breakin out or shortin myself.
Steel City Muscle Cars
Flashlight Drags
Modded Mustangs
There are more than me, Mike (Balaska), Bob (Martin660), Dave (Casper GT), and Mark (NovaPRP). Ed (Ares), Christine (Ma Brewer), Cobra II (Markie) are out there, and I'm sure I'm forgetting about more. Keep firing away with the questions. We're happy to help, and hope you get the same enjoyment out of racing that we do.
alot of people talk about how fast their car is but at the same time some people just dont get/cant figure out bracket racing which is why your not getting as many responces as you may have thought. as far as your dail question in you case (you should be running trophy in the begining by the way as you only dial to the tenth, imo) I would say since for example you ran a 13.91 (per your sig.) a safe dial would be 13.8 (again you only dial to the tenth in trophy) any car on any day can pick up a couple of hundreths & untill you figure out how to race the stripe you'll still be ok in that example (ie. dialing a 13.9 & you pick up 2 hundreth of a sec. you brake out & probubly loose but with a 13.8 your only 9 hundreth's over, very aceptable for a beginer again, my opinion). hope that helps a little. keep asking questions though.
2014 301a GT a6
5c circle d conv, 3.31's, kooks l/t's & orh, stock intake, bmr susp