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Thread: How to bracket race

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  1. #1

    How to bracket race

    Starting this thread to share knowledge and answer questions about bracket racing. There are a number of bracket racers on here that compete every Saturday at PRP during the season. We were all once new and didn't know what we were doing. We had a lot of help along the way, and we like to pay it back. Ask away, no question is stupid.

    Probably the best place to start is using an existing site. IHRA Stock racer Michael Beard has an excellent site that has a Guide to Bracket Racing, tons of good info there. Go to:
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  2. #2
    How does bracket racing work? I'm new to the track and want to get out there alot this year events. If you have time, could you give me the rundown on how it works and what i should do? Thanks!

    The quick explanation is, you get 2 time trials to see how your car is running that day, in those weather conditions. Let's say you're running in the Street class (12.00 and slower, footbrake only [no transbrake or delay box allowed], slicks allowed with driveshaft loop). Time trials start at 1pm for the big cars, and the order is Modified, Top, Bikes, Street, Trophy. So the first time trial for Street is about 2pm. You want to be there well before that, so you have time to cool off if you drove the car in, and do whatever you need to do before you race (unload, change tires, have a Coke and a smile). You make your pass, then go back to your pit spot. Classes are called to the lanes, so you have time before the second time trial. Let's say you run 14.71 first time trial, 14.73 second time trial. Now it's time to dial in for first round. You have to pay attention to what the weather is doing... is it getting cooler out? Was the sun behind clouds during time trials, now it's out and feeling warmer? For our example, we'll say the conditions are about the same as the second time trial, and dial a 14.73. You get paired up with Ares/Ed, in his '04 GT, dialing 12.70. Your side of the tree will come down 2.03 (14.73-12.70=2.03) seconds before Ed's starts, giving you the head start, and Ed has to chase you. Example I, we'll say you both cut .050 lights. You're even at the tree, and now it will come down to who dialed the car right. As you approach top end, pay attention to where your opponent is. If you're running better this pass than you did in time trials, you may break out, which is a loss. Or your opponent could be running off. If you're leading coming to the stripe by a lot, let's say a car length, you can lift off the gas to reduce your chance of a breakout. If the other car is right next to you, stay in the gas and try to cross first. We'll say you run pretty good on the dial, a 14.75, while Ed runs a 12.75. That means you would cross first by .03, about a fender length, for the win. Example II, we'll say your light was bad, and Ed's was good. He should get around you before the finish line as a result. Once the faster car passes you, you're not going to get back around. At that point, you want to get off the gas, and maybe touch the brakes. NEVER slam on the brakes at top end. Tap them, ease on to them, stay in control. In this case, since Ed has passed you, you want to avoid breaking out by getting off the throttle, and then hope Ed breaks out, which would give you the win. Example III, Ed, being Ed, in a 5 speed, launches off the line and misses a shift. In this case, you will have a country mile once you get to the traps. Ed will be a little orange dot in your rear view. You want to get off the gas and make sure you don't break out. Example IV: Ed red lights. This is a free time trial for you then. You can run it full out, with no worry of breaking out.
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  3. #3
    Thanx for the input, this season we need to hook up and roll out to the strip together so I can learn somemore. U said u lived close to me right? Let me know when u roll out. I talked to Casper GT about an old exhaust thread post he had for sale. I think I remember him sayin u knew my dad.

    Yep, New Ken. I'm there every Saturday for points. At the start of the season, I will run the weekend test n tunes. I don't run the week night test n tunes during the season, unless I need some shots at the track. It's hard to get there after work. I'm not sure if I know your dad, but his Charger rocks! :D
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  4. #4
    Senior Member casper gt's Avatar
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    excelent idea to start this thead Chuck. there is alot of younger (&older too!) guys & gals that I run into that would like to start into our sport but have so many questions & alot of times the "how to book's & websites" are frustrating & don't end up being much help. yeah I live in the allegheny valley also (Cheswick) & would be glad to have anyone tag along on the way up to the track (8:00am pionts sat.) or feel free to come over or call with questions. I'll be checking back to this thead frequently & will be glad to help anyway I can.
    2014 301a GT a6
    5c circle d conv, 3.31's, kooks l/t's & orh, stock intake, bmr susp

  5. #5
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    I've been needin this in depth BRin overview. Kinda new a little bit and tried understandin, but this helps out extensively, thanx so much! I alwayz wanted to drag race so I'm actually really excited to know that there are some brother SCS guyz close to me and actually know what is UP!!! I'm like a little kid on Chrismas mornin at the strip, so I honestly can't freakin wait! I'm goin ta get my dad to run his this year, I've been beggin him since I was born, lol!! He said it ain't runnin right and he doesn't want to make a fool of him self. I'm like how do u know how it runs if u never RAN!!
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  6. #6
    More RPM !!! Martin0660's Avatar
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    I have done everything stupid that can be done at one time or another, most of us have. I've pulled the car out of 1st on the launch, left before the tree, rolled the tree, rolled out of the beams, launched a turbine seal at 1/8th mile, fragged 3rd gear, left early, left late, dialed wrong, missed gears, lifted too early, didnt lift, broke out, broke down, been flat broke...........

    It's a good time, most everyone is really helpfull right up until they line up ;) Most of us are still friends afterwards :D
    Bob Myers ©

    84 Capri RS Turbo -Best 1/8th - 6.24@109, Best 1/4 - 9.82@136...Still only a 4 banger

  7. #7
    Senior Member Hawkeye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin0660 View Post
    I have done everything stupid that can be done at one time or another, most of us have. I've pulled the car out of 1st on the launch, left before the tree, rolled the tree, rolled out of the beams, launched a turbine seal at 1/8th mile, fragged 3rd gear, left early, left late, dialed wrong, missed gears, lifted too early, didnt lift, broke out, broke down, been flat broke...........

    It's a good time, most everyone is really helpfull right up until they line up ;) Most of us are still friends afterwards :D
    I'll one up you Bob......I went for the clutch in my automatic (manual valve body). Needless to say, when I hit the "clutch" to shift to 2nd, the front tires locked. I got a nice video of it.

    Point is, we all make mistakes....don't ever let that hold you back from trying.

    "There's no substitution for cubic inches."

    93 GT, 408
    Best ET 10.93, 1.63 60ft, 121MPH

    All Motor.

  8. #8
    Bracket racing will help check your ego real quick. I think I've lost every way possible, and even invented a couple new ones. I've been dead late, dead early, spun, shifted early, shifted late, dumped when I shouldn't have, freight trained (didn't dump) when I shouldn't have, lost to the invisible man (guy broke on the starting line, I thought he was in my blind spot), taken a country mile at the stripe while knocking 10mph out and still broke out... the list goes on.

    When my Cutlass was bone stock, single exhaust, leaky quadrajunk, no posi, I think the best pass was in the 16.80s. Yes, there's a rush in going fast, and I love it. But dropping a package at the same time and turning on the win lamp, in any ride, is a rush like no other. As long as you run consistent, regardless of the times it runs, you can be competitive.

    In my opinion, getting a car consistent is the first key. Some people have different opinions on what consistent means. Some say it's running the same pass after pass. And that's probably true in an all out drag car. For me, consistent means knowing what the car will do and dialing for it. I know my car picks up a little when it starts to get cooler out, so that's how I dial.

    Using a log book is a great way to track passes, which can help you dial in, as well as spot potential issues. For example, if you're in similar weather conditions as a previous day, you can check your log book to see how you dialed in. You can also see if you're slowing up somewhere, like in the 60', which can be an indication your tires are giving up, so something more serious, like transmission issues.
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  9. #9
    After consistency in the car, developing consistent reaction times are next. Getting seat time and making laps are the best way, since it will be in your car, in your combination. Practice trees, both online, and ones available from Summit and Jeg's, are helpful training tools. Read the Reaction Time clinic on for more detailed info, but feel free to ask away for tips on what has worked for some of us out here.
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  10. #10
    Top end can be really tough to master. It can be hard to judge the other car when you're both flat out. Seat time and making runs are the best way to get the experience. I've had friends who say the old Hot Rod pc game helped them a lot, but I never played it. If you know your car is running consistent, you felt decent on the tree, and you're side by side with the other car, it's most likely best to stay in it. If you are the slower car, and you know you've been passed, always always always dump... you will not be able to pass the faster car once it has passed you. Try to push them in to the breakout, and avoid your own break out by dumping. If you're ahead, cut down the lead as safely as possible by lifting off of the gas, and/or easing into the brakes. You do NOT want to hit the brakes hard when you're at full throttle. Beard has some good tips on his site for top end tactics as well.
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  11. #11
    Senior Member mustang50lx's Avatar
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    Here's another term you will hear alot at PRP. Sandbagger. I think Larry and Bob could explain it better than me.JK.

  12. #12
    Sandbagging is all part of the game though. There's a couple ways to beat sandbaggers... one is to out package them. The other is to know their game, and beat them at it. More advanced bracket racers may try to do that... where they know the other guy is holding a few hundreths, they may dial their own car a few hundreths slower, and then try feeding the bagger the stripe. That method is open to you breaking out too though. I don't worry about who may be holding a few... you can only control what you do. So I just worry about me, cutting a good light, hitting the shifts, and taking the right action up top.

    Some definition of terms:

    Sandbagger - a racer who consistently holds a few or more hundreths on their dial in; as in, dials slower on purpose than what they think the car will run

    Package - combination of reaction time (green) and dial in (no break out). For example, a reaction time of .031 while running 14.018 on a 14.00 equals a package of .049

    Dump - shortly before the finish line, lift off the gas and use the brakes, in order to avoid a break out, or to...

    Send him - if you are the slower car and get passed, do the above to send the other car through the finish line first in hope that they break out
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  13. #13
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    It actually takes more skill and concentration then I ever thought!!
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  14. #14
    Senior Member casper gt's Avatar
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    yeah I can speak 1st hand for the turbine seal (cough,cough). but seriously Bob's right, we've all been the new guy & its not easy sometimes, you gotta just keep coming up & practice & learn what you can as you go, & don't forget to ask questions. good luck.
    2014 301a GT a6
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  15. #15
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    Another nice overview on Stagin. Couldn't of explained it any better. First time I raced an event I lost to a 17-18 second car in the first round that double bulbed me then deep staged me real quick and I red light! The way the tree notches down from his light, then my light a second er so after that an so on, screwed me up. I went kinda on his last yellow and my sec yellow and was like SOB!
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  16. #16
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    I was wanderin if anybody knows if PRP got redone/renovated over the winter or not? It was supposed to be for IHRA and Nitro cars!
    Gettin the starting line and burnout box moved back and widein'd to make the track longer for a better run off. Better grand stands, spectator parking, and paved pit parkin. It doesn't have any updates about it on the site at all!
    Steel City Muscle Cars
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  17. #17
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    As far as I know when they postponed the national till 2010 the track upgrades went with it. Thats been my understanding since Summer time when they announced the postponed National.

  18. #18
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    True that...

    ...I didn't know they postponed it till then. So it'll be done after this season i'm guessin! Your a regular up there right? You should post some pics of your ride up, I'd like to check it out. I might of seen u up there racin before.
    Quote Originally Posted by NovaPRP View Post
    As far as I know when they postponed the national till 2010 the track upgrades went with it. Thats been my understanding since Summer time when they announced the postponed National.
    Steel City Muscle Cars
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamantiumSilvr View Post
    ...I didn't know they postponed it till then. So it'll be done after this season i'm guessin! Your a regular up there right? You should post some pics of your ride up, I'd like to check it out. I might of seen u up there racin before.
    A regular would probably be a bit of an Here is my car...

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by NovaPRP View Post
    A regular would probably be a bit of an
    We're not into this at, noooooooo....

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