i think its shot! im angry haha! trying to stay clean here. well i figured i havent ran my car too much so i fiugred i check the plugs since last summer. they look terrible....i think. i dont know what this wear is on them but them me know what you guys think?
ok also i have coolant leaking like no other. i start my car from time to time so i know its new coolant. It wasnt there before i put it away in november.... i think its coming from the head. water pump t-stat housing hoses are all dry. the thing is the coolant dosent look to crappy and neither does the oil..... atleast it not too bad. it looks a little watery(not as thick as it should.) let me get your guys input.
only the front of the motor is wet. there are no oil leaks the manifold gaskets were just change and do not seem to be wet
all these pics are crappy since i dont have a camera and i have to use my phone....
only the front of the pan is wet....
side shot.. the block look a little wet no too bad but the pan is soaked..
this pic is from up top.. kinda hard to see but the brown in the bottom is where the head meets the block..
water pump and crank pully are dry...