In my 2.3 turbo thunderbird, i was driving towards greensburg. When i left my house i noticed my lights getting dimmer and dimmer while i was driving and by the time i got near new stanton my car just died. Thanks to a few buddies of mine (Frank, Bill, and Clark) i got it charged back up and on my way home but it did the same thing about 15 minutes later.
Well i changed the external voltage regulator, tested the alternator which was good and it still wont run. I have a jumper pack hooked up to the battery and when the car is running as soon as i take it off it automatically dies. I even charge the battery for atleast 10-20 minutes and it still shuts off. I checked the alternator wires and they are fine. And my battery is brand new, only ran it for about a week. I am so confused. Any ideas, i need help!!!!