Well I watched a movie the other night and it fired me up..Im open to everyones opinion, and wont take anything personal..
The part in the movie that fired me up was when a cop said "Street racers are low life scum and are no better than the drug dealers on the streets." Now I totally dissagree with this..Drugs cannot be compared to street racing..I dont have a statistic, but I am about 99.9% positive that the number of deaths caused by drugs in one year are not even in the same ballpark as the number of deaths caused by street racing in 5 years..I myself occasionaly do race and Im not affraid to admit to it, because I know where and when..But thats not my point..I hang out at the WalMart/Mcdonalds in belle vernon and cops harass us for hanging out there..We cause NO trouble what so ever..I myself have never touched a drug in my life and my most illigal thing I do is speed/race..Shouldnt cops be out worrying about the drug dealers, murderers, rapists and other people who screw this world up for everyone who works for their money..Now Im not saying racing is good to do, but when done in the right enviroment with people who are compitent enough to do so, its not as bad as everyone makes it out to be..Im really bored, and figured Id get this off my chest, Im sure theres more Id like to say, but cant put it into words right now..