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Thread: Home Building Suggestions

  1. #41
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
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    Dayton PA
    this is it

    03 Torch Red Anni. Ed. Cobra

    11 Grabber Blue 5.0, 3D500 spoiler, CS valance, GT premium, interior upgrade package, Brembos, MT-82 and Whipple powered SOLD

    01 cobra: traded

    93 LX Modular 4v swap
    Sean Hyland Motorsport forged rotating assembly, Teksid block, 01 cobra heads, cams and intake SOLD

  2. #42
    On the down low cam303's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    What kind of prices have you got for building this house?

  3. #43
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Spencerport, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by cam303 View Post
    What kind of prices have you got for building this house?
    I'd rather not share that....
    Last edited by SonofaBish; 03-25-2009 at 08:56 AM.
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

  4. #44
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaa55 View Post
    this is it

    Like I said in the original post, I'm 90% sure i'm going to build that one, but I'm reconsidering a place that is similar to yours!! Partially because its a bit smaller, and thus is going to be a bit more affordable... Found out yesterday that the final cost on the place I want to build came in just a tad over budget - not necessarily enough to make me NOT build it, but also not sure I'm comfortable with the allowances that the builder is alloting me for certing things.... therefore, I am reconsidering...

    Great lookin place!
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

  5. #45
    Nothing clever to say.... jaa55's Avatar
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    Dayton PA
    thanks, ill have to get some actual pictures of it this weekend. its a little different than the chalet in the picture but you get the general idea
    03 Torch Red Anni. Ed. Cobra

    11 Grabber Blue 5.0, 3D500 spoiler, CS valance, GT premium, interior upgrade package, Brembos, MT-82 and Whipple powered SOLD

    01 cobra: traded

    93 LX Modular 4v swap
    Sean Hyland Motorsport forged rotating assembly, Teksid block, 01 cobra heads, cams and intake SOLD

  6. #46
    I hope you also checked around in Westmoreland County, which city, twp., has the lowest taxes. And, God bless you when you build in Westmoreland County, they now have the same code as Allegheny County. Before I sold my Mom and Dad's house after he passed, the inspector came and found 7 things that I had to do, before THEY would let me sell it. Good Luck!

  7. #47
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Spencerport, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Christine57 View Post
    I hope you also checked around in Westmoreland County, which city, twp., has the lowest taxes. And, God bless you when you build in Westmoreland County, they now have the same code as Allegheny County. Before I sold my Mom and Dad's house after he passed, the inspector came and found 7 things that I had to do, before THEY would let me sell it. Good Luck!
    I don't have a whole lot of options - I work in downtown pittsburgh, so its not like I can pick and choose where I want to live in the county.... However, i have researched it a ton, and I'm pretty well set on where I'm going to be. The township is a royal PITA, but thats mainly because they have stuff set up so that NO ONE can put a housing plan in the area - they want to keep it very rural .... too bad they screwed it up for everyone when they put those ordinances in.....

    As far as taxes, Westmoreland coutny is high, but nowhere near as high as allegheny.... I did a lot of reasearch on this since its a huge deciding factor on how large of a home I can afford to build... taxes in westmoreland are about 75% of what they are in most municipalities in allegheny county.... either way, i'll still pay more in taxes than my parents do in Indiana county, and they have property worth twice what mine will be worth...
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

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