Well, some of those that know me are aware that I'm building a home... I had one place all picked out, but then I've changed my mind for several reasons... one being that the garage was only 20'x20' ... my truck is 19' long!!!
Just looking for some advice from some of the guys on here that own there own home. All the paperwork is being pushed through on the property - 2 acres in westmoreland county - so in the meantime, i have a ton of decisions to make...
basically, What would you have done if you could do it all over again? Interior, exterior, etc. I've been polling everyone i know, b/c i want to make sure i'm happy. After a long time looking, i've picked out another place, but before i make a final decision, I wanna be sure its right.
All of this hard work is the reason I sold my car, and i know i'm NOT going to regret it in the end - as long as things get done right!
Gimme your thoughts!