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Thread: McCrackin Ford Closing???

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  1. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by u1arunit View Post
    What actually happened is that 4 other local dealers bought them out and Wally Mart is paying Timmy mega bux for the land.
    That's what I heard too. Ford bought the franchise rights back for the initial investment + $300k or some figure to that extent. So in 1968 $$$$ it couldn't have been a h$*l of alot for a franchise. So take that, pay severance to all the salary employees(just about everyone). Pay the floorplan interest, chargebacks, and what not on all the cars off, and you're not leaving with all that much money from Ford. Not to mention the fact of all the money they spent on the "Auto Cruise" gig. That lasted what 6, 7 months? The salesman I bought my car from told me they spent something like $500k to do that. The big difference was made through selling the building and property to Wally World. It's a shame that they're going under cause their such an old store. But agreed, there was some shadyness going on there. I felt it heavily when I bought my car.
    Last edited by 2007Bullitt; 02-16-2007 at 05:39 PM.

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