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Thread: Motorcycle Insurance, who do you use?

  1. #1
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Motorcycle Insurance, who do you use?

    Who do you use and/or whos the cheapest?

    I always take insurance off after the summer, no reason to keep it, bike stays garaged all winter and sometimes into spring. I used to use progressive but there damn rates went up. My agent quote me on some company he uses, like $390 a year. I know thats next to nothing and it sounds like i'm being cheap (I am lol), but does that seem good? It's a 05 r6. Was thinkin about bringin the bike out this sunday, get it all ready, but theres not a chance on earth i'll even ride it 1/2 a mile without insurance.

    IE I used to pay about $325 w/ progessive, but now they want $605. Thats insane. My record is %100 clean, not a single ticket or accident.

    07 Silverado
    05 R6

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  2. #2
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    I was with State Farm for the bike in my sig (i really should update that sig).

    Full coverage, state maximum (100k/300k) liability and collision with a 100 deductable was $290 for the year IIRC.

    WIth state farm, you have to pay by the year. I guess because their rates are so cheap they have to make you pay for a whole year at a time.

    BTW - i lived in a relatively high risk zip code too.

    EDIT - I did have a car when I signed up for insurance, but after I sold the car my rate for the bike didn't go up.

    EDIT2 - stangman reminded me, the rate I gave you also had uninsured/underinsured on it, so it was all the coverage options you could get.

    State farm as always treated me well. I'd recommend them. The only thing I would do differently having had an accident claim with them in the past is to go to where YOU want the work done instead of using one of their centers which supposedly speeds up the process. Its BS it doesn't speed up jack.
    Last edited by phillysrt4; 04-01-2009 at 12:36 PM.

  3. #3
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    hmmm thats an amazing price! The price I listed above is liability only. Full coverage on this r6 is well over 2k a year, not a chance i'll pay that. I know my way around bikes well enough that i'll rebuild the damn thing before I pay those rates. There is a state farm agent 1 mile forom my house, I may go stop there shortly. Thx man!
    07 Silverado
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  4. #4
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    yeah +2 for State Farm, but if I recall, I think you have to have AUTO ins with them to get the good rate on the bike ins.

    I'm all locked up with them... auto, house, life and bike. I'm paying $3xx something per year for full coverage on an '06 Sportster 1200.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  5. #5
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    no problem!

    Keep in mind that the GS500 is not in the same insurance class as an R6. I also had my license (as opposed to a permit) and went through MSF.

    EDIT - now that troll mentions it, I did have car insurance at the time, but when I dropped my car insurance because I sold the car my bike insurance didn't go up. :shrug:

  6. #6
    SCS Addict Stangman701's Avatar
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    Man, that's insane Dan. I use progressive and just paid $106 for a whole year of liability. My bike is an 03 Suzuki SV1000. I think it could be less than that if I would have signed the papers waiving the un-insured motorist insurance, but I forgot to send them in. I don't think my bike is considered to be in quite the same category as an R6, but I would imagine it's about as quick.

    Edit: I just did a quick quote on Progressive's site and it would be $170/mo. for me for liability on your bike. That's using the absolute minimums on every coverage though(I'm cheap too, haha).
    Last edited by Stangman701; 04-01-2009 at 12:43 PM.
    2015 Charger Hellcat
    2.4" upper pulley, ID1300 injectors, BAP, E85 tune, Cat Delete Pipes, One Piece Drive Shaft, Diff Brace, 305/35/20 555R's for the street and 305/45/18 MT ET Street R's for the track. 9.97@142 Best ET

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  7. #7
    1st Stang boost_92's Avatar
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    That sucks! I'm glad I got rid of my bike. I use to pay $112 a year with progressive and that was an 06 CBR 1000.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Inkdcountryboy's Avatar
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    i use progressive and pay $180 a year for both harleys
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  9. #9
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    I have progressive as well - I pay $114/yr. for liability only on the R1. When i originally got my TL1000R, I was paying 140/yr, then 147, then 130... got the R1 shortly after my last renewal and insurance went up $14 to 144. I just paid my renewal in February and it was 114.....

    If you're looking, I can give you the name of my insurance guy - I got hooked up with him because he's a sportbike guy himself - races a GSXR-750 and used to have a TL1000R...... he destroyed everyone else for me on my Trans Am - I haven't gone thru him with the bike just because I've been too lazy.... everytime my renewal comes up, i just pay it so that i don't have to think about it....

    let me know
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  10. #10
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Ok heres the latest. I got that $605 rate through my agent, he said it was light insurance (basic) but apparantly not that light, or he was making alot of money on me. I just qouted online @ for bone dry basic liability, $95 a year paid in full!! Woohoo looks like i'll be riding sunday if it doesn't rain lol
    07 Silverado
    05 R6

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  11. #11
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBCobra View Post
    Ok heres the latest. I got that $605 rate through my agent, he said it was light insurance (basic) but apparantly not that light, or he was making alot of money on me. I just qouted online @ for bone dry basic liability, $95 a year paid in full!! Woohoo looks like i'll be riding sunday if it doesn't rain lol
    Nice man.... gimme a PM if you're going for a nice ride!
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

  12. #12
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    Nice man.... gimme a PM if you're going for a nice ride!
    will do... More or less I am just gonna change the oil, lube the chain etc etc.. I was so busy workin last summer, I seriously only put about 200 or so miles on the bike. So it needs some tlc before I trust it on a long cruise. Although these jap bikes never fail lol. May toss a new chain on, who know what it looks like after sitting for almost 2 seasons
    07 Silverado
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  13. #13
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBCobra View Post
    will do... More or less I am just gonna change the oil, lube the chain etc etc.. I was so busy workin last summer, I seriously only put about 200 or so miles on the bike. So it needs some tlc before I trust it on a long cruise. Although these jap bikes never fail lol. May toss a new chain on, who know what it looks like after sitting for almost 2 seasons
    It shouldn't be too bad as long as it was lubed well before....

    These bikes do seem to be trouble free, especially considering the brutal amount of power they deliver.... *knock on wood*
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
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  14. #14
    Built, Cammed, CCW'd SVT NateSVT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KBCobra View Post
    Ok heres the latest. I got that $605 rate through my agent, he said it was light insurance (basic) but apparantly not that light, or he was making alot of money on me. I just qouted online @ for bone dry basic liability, $95 a year paid in full!! Woohoo looks like i'll be riding sunday if it doesn't rain lol
    Sunday = Cobra vs. R6?
    2004 SVT Cobra - sold
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  15. #15
    SCS Addict Stangman701's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NateSVT View Post
    Sunday = Cobra vs. R6?
    You better get this on video
    2015 Charger Hellcat
    2.4" upper pulley, ID1300 injectors, BAP, E85 tune, Cat Delete Pipes, One Piece Drive Shaft, Diff Brace, 305/35/20 555R's for the street and 305/45/18 MT ET Street R's for the track. 9.97@142 Best ET

    85 GT
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  16. #16
    Member travj31's Avatar
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    I'd like to see that!

    Quote Originally Posted by NateSVT View Post
    Sunday = Cobra vs. R6?

  17. #17
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    ^^^ X2!~!

    btw that was 605 with a state farm agent?

  18. #18
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Quote Originally Posted by NateSVT View Post
    Sunday = Cobra vs. R6?
    hahaha if I get it out, no problem man. PM me ur cell, I dont have it anymore, or get mine off anthony. I changed numbers.

    I'm rusty as hell but i'll give it all I got lol. clutchless shifting here we come!
    07 Silverado
    05 R6

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  19. #19
    2.4 KB & Juice
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillysrt4 View Post
    ^^^ X2!~!

    btw that was 605 with a state farm agent?
    no my agent in Monroeville who sells multiple different companies
    07 Silverado
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  20. #20
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    ah ok. If it was state farm that would suprise me.

    When I lived in the city proper, it was about 40% less for car insurance versus the cheapest place I lived in the philly area. Thats why i was surprised when you said 605.

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