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Thread: Gun guys, look here too...

  1. #21
    BIG BLOCKS WITH TURBO'S turbo'dnotch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HidalgoGT View Post
    Attempted? Hardly you make sure that SOB is dead as a dead can get for trying to get in your house and harming you or your family and he can't sue you for being a freaking jackoff and getting his ass handed to him for doing so. Just kill the SOB and no worries. Just be sure they have a weapon.
    Speed Kills....Play it safe and buy a CHEVY!!

  2. #22
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HidalgoGT View Post
    Attempted? Hardly you make sure that SOB is dead as a dead can get for trying to get in your house and harming you or your family and he can't sue you for being a freaking jackoff and getting his ass handed to him for doing so. Just kill the SOB and no worries. Just be sure they have a weapon.
    Your right they may not try you for homicied but, they may get you for whatever you do to him like take out an eye or cripple him by damaging some nerve. Hydroshocks,00 buck are the best way to cure this bullshit system.
    ^^ agreed. Ever hear of "a dead man cant testify" ?? lol.
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  3. #23
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turbo'dnotch View Post
    Here are some pics. On the left is a standard copper jacket 9mm and the right is the "shot" ammo. Hope this helps you understand the difference. And if you think you cant be prosecuted for protecting your own home, think again.
    So if you use snakeshot on a intruder that is armed or unarmed it's perfectly legit, no worries of being taken to court right? If you could please provide a link showing the differance between lethal and less lethal ammo if used for self-defense, this I would like to see.
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

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  4. #24
    BIG BLOCKS WITH TURBO'S turbo'dnotch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twin01cobra View Post
    So if you use snakeshot on a intruder that is armed or unarmed it's perfectly legit, no worries of being taken to court right? If you could please provide a link showing the differance between lethal and less lethal ammo if used for self-defense, this I would like to see.
    There is not a clear cut yes and no. But a lawyer will and has argued that if your using ammo with the "intent" to kill, you can be held on attempted murder chargers. If the ammo is not "designed" to kill, they cant. Its the same difference in using jacketed compared to Hollow points. Its not written as much as implied and used against.
    Speed Kills....Play it safe and buy a CHEVY!!

  5. #25
    KB snake
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    Without causing more drama in this thread i see it this way. someone forceable breaks into my house they are either getting a shotgun blast, or a few rounds from my glock 17 with crimson trace laser. loaded with federal hydroshock. If I go to jail for protecting my family thats fine in my book, atleat i know that i protected my family. And at the end of the day thats all that really matters to me I guess.

  6. #26
    BIG BLOCKS WITH TURBO'S turbo'dnotch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickedsnake03 View Post
    Without causing more drama in this thread i see it this way. someone forceable breaks into my house they are either getting a shotgun blast, or a few rounds from my glock 17 with crimson trace laser. loaded with federal hydroshock. If I go to jail for protecting my family thats fine in my book, atleat i know that i protected my family. And at the end of the day thats all that really matters to me I guess.
    This is fact, and your right. My point was not that you should not protect your family. My point was you can do it with a gun and not give the left wing libs a shot at you. Hope this clears up my point.
    Speed Kills....Play it safe and buy a CHEVY!!

  7. #27
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turbo'dnotch View Post
    There is not a clear cut yes and no. But a lawyer will and has argued that if your using ammo with the "intent" to kill, you can be held on attempted murder chargers. If the ammo is not "designed" to kill, they cant. Its the same difference in using jacketed compared to Hollow points. Its not written as much as implied and used against.
    I would think by you firing at gun at someone is intent to kill enough, does'nt matter what kind of ammo is in the gun. I'll take my chances with what I have, at least I know they will not be around to testify if I do my job.
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

    General Douglas McArthur

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