This was my second trip so far. First one was last fall....I can't wait to go back! Definately had a blast and the weather was perfect. There were five of us in our group.
Yours truly - 2004 660 Raptor quad
Orangemachine (on this board) - 2003 660 Raptor quad
buddy of mine - 2006 LTZ400 quad
buddy of mine - 2006 Honda CRF450 dirtbike
buddy of mine - 1999 Honda 650L street/dirtbike
We rode the Little Coal Creek trails and Bearwallow trails. Both are kinda small compared to Rockhouse but still fun and we didin't run into many other riders so we were happy. Little Coal Creek wasn't real challenging and had lots of mud/water. This was my first time there and I would go back again. It's more high speed trails with far less rocks than Bearwallow or Rockhouse.
This was my second time at Bearwallow and I've now ridden every inch of trail there...except for the single tracks (dirtbikes only). It's a nice mix of speed trails and rocky technical sections.
Unfortunately we didn't have as much riding time as I had hoped...we fought some mechanical issues and tires throughout the weekend...only rode about 150 miles or so...definately going to bring more tools and more spares next time. I got two flat tires and fought an electrical issue when my bike was waterlogged...orangemachine got two destroyed front rims and one flat....and the dude with the 650L dropped his bike and busted the side cover...and the hole was too big for a JB weld he was done at the end of hte second day.
All in all a great time...only took a couple's one where we stopped to dry off a little Friday time there will be more pics and a vid or two.