Don't know how its spelled, but whats up with everyone wanting to buy old cat conv? They have gold in them or something? I must be missing something on this.
Don't know how its spelled, but whats up with everyone wanting to buy old cat conv? They have gold in them or something? I must be missing something on this.
My collection:
01 cobra in pieces
02 dodge cummins
it pretty much seems like gold huh?? they are filled w/ a type of metal that is worth good $ and reusable to exhaust mfgr's and the scrap guys eat the cats up and cash them in... to who im not sure.. used to know what that material was called but cant remember
I thought the older style ones had platinum in them. I thought all the new ones were a ceramic monoblock, but dunno. Who is buying them up? I have a few laying around ;)
Bob Myers
anywhere from $8 - $40 each depending on size and cond.
I sold some dude a old h-pipe and 4 ugly 10-holes for $75, Don't know how much he'll make on that deal. If you want his number Bob let me know.
My collection:
01 cobra in pieces
02 dodge cummins
contact brian (pewter) from JJ's he has the number for a guy who buys them in the greensburg area. i met him at the fort allen shop n save and sold him a bunch. I was very pleased with what i got.