Its a 2000 V6 mustang. the passenger side power window wont go up. It'll go down but not first if i played with it, it would eventually go up but now it wont go up at all. the switch on the passenger side wont put the window up but it will put it down and the same goes for the driver side switch. so i went and got another power window motor and hooked it up b4 tearing the old one out...and its the same way....the wheel will spin to put the window down but it wont spin to put the window up. i checked the fuses and they look good. the book says its in location 43 on the inside fuse box but its a solid fuse and u cant see if its blown or not, but the driver side power window operates just fine so i wouldnt see why id need a fuse. im assuming they both run off the same fuse, passenger n driver side power windows. the door locks both work on the driver side and passenger side switches. Im really not sure where to check next to get the window to go up. Any help out be greatly appreciated.