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Thread: t56 shifting stops

  1. #1
    Corvette Killer xxtorinoxx's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    East Liverpool, OH / Butler,PA

    t56 shifting stops

    I have been looking at some of the threads on SVT performance and some of the guys say they have removed the shifter stops on their shifters because the t56 has internal stops and having them on the shifter can actually damage the transmission by not letting it go all the way into gear. After the problems i have had recently this got my atttention. Does anyone know if this is true?? Also i have a steeda tri-ax. It was on the car when i got and i actually don't think it is a very good shifter. What's the best shifter for these cars?? I am considering upgrading.
    2003 Mustang Cobra
    2.76/4lb lower
    499 rwhp @ 5750 rpm
    538 ftlbs @3500 rpm
    Best E.T 12.099 @ 116.5 mph
    60ft 1.68

    1968 Ford Torino
    460 CI Big Block
    Best E.T. 13.08 @ 106.1 mph
    60ft 1.94

  2. #2
    KB snake
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    altoona pa
    T-56 trannys are internaly gated so there is no need for you to have them on your shifter. I have a MGW in my 03 cobra and really like it alot. Seems MGW is really the most popular shifter in all the polls on what people have.

  3. #3
    Senior Member White5.0's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    State College, PA
    i dont know about the shift stop thing but i hear MGW is the way to go as far as shifters go.
    2013 Mustang GT
    1987 Mustang GT
    1999 Contour SVT

  4. #4
    Corvette Killer xxtorinoxx's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    East Liverpool, OH / Butler,PA
    thanks for the confirmation in the gates. The MGW looks pretty good on thier website i definitely will consider that one when i decide what i am going to do. For now i think i am going to remove the stops on the shifter tomorrow and see if it makes any difference.
    2003 Mustang Cobra
    2.76/4lb lower
    499 rwhp @ 5750 rpm
    538 ftlbs @3500 rpm
    Best E.T 12.099 @ 116.5 mph
    60ft 1.68

    1968 Ford Torino
    460 CI Big Block
    Best E.T. 13.08 @ 106.1 mph
    60ft 1.94

  5. #5
    KB snake
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    altoona pa
    I think you will like it alot more without the stops in the shifter, but if you have the extra money I would go with an MGW. if you lived closer I would let you check it out in my cobra and see if you liked it.

  6. #6
    Member InTheTurns's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern KY(near Cincinnati)
    I have an MGW new - never installed. I just never got around to it. I have been threatening to sell my car for a couple years and still haven't. I am not going to use the shifter. Let me know if you are interested.

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