honestly im not sure where your located but if your anywhere near robinson area you need to say good bye to gnc and their ridiculous prices, anyone else who goes to gnc please listen to what i am about to say and save money like crazy. a turn off cambells run road is a company called supplement supply, they carry everything gnc does plus more, their prices are unbelievable. i picked up a black powder complete box for 18.95 this usually goes for 59.99 or 49.99 cant remember off the top of my head. as for that gold standard whey they sell at gnc for 39,99 i believe for the 2lb jug, its 22 bux at this place. if they dont have it in the store they can get it an have it their next day, but if you cant find the supplement, vitamin, even t-shirt your looking for in this store you shouldnt even be trying to build muscle. if anyone wants a little mroe detail to where its at please pm me ill be glad to help.