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Thread: GM convert... maybe?

  1. #41
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2007
    i know the LS motor is great, and with a really good head/cam package i could see 500. but it would be a pain in the ass to drive around town. the cam would be so agressive that it wouldnt be fun anymore.

    i dont know what teh cobra weighs in at . but the GTO is 3800 lbs. and can only fit a 285 back tire (if you have all suspension mods and rolled fenders).

    its also not that the GTO is underpowered and cant gain power. there are turbo kits coming out that produce 550 rwhp. but its the bottom end that worries me. none of it is forged ,and the general consensus is anything over 500 at the wheels and youre running on borrowed time.

    i may get a GTO (or commodore/g8) later in life when i need/want a little more refinement. but for now the cobra is the way to go.

    with the cobra i can spend way less and see all the power. and almost none of the downsides the GTO would have had (like weak bottom end, super aggressive cams, breakable rear end... etc) and i know these are problems with many cars, but i also like the way the cobra looks and sounds . its a much "younger" car IMO.

    ill talk my dad into getting the GTO :)

  2. #42
    Senior Member 87notch's Avatar
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    Welcome to SCS

  3. #43
    KB 2.6 custom fabbed
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    Southern California
    Cobra's never dissapoint. Buy a pulley and a tuner and make 600 at the wheels

  4. #44
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by low12lightning View Post
    Cobra's never dissapoint. Buy a pulley and a tuner and make 600 at the wheels
    planning on a KB 2.8 or whipple. and all the other goodies.

  5. #45
    KB 2.6 custom fabbed
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    Southern California
    The guy that lives down the street has a whipple, he's making high 600's with stock cast iron exhuast manifolds. His only problem was traction, same thing with my truck can hardly cut 1.80 60 foot's. My truck has walked away from m3's and vettes or any other ls car above 30 miles per hour. His cobra could embarrass my truck once it hooked.

  6. #46
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by low12lightning View Post
    My truck has walked away from m3's and vettes or any other ls car above 30 miles per hour.
    See if you can walk my ls... :D :D - haha, how ya doin buddy??

    axis, i think you'll be happy no matter what choice you make, which it looks like you've already made ur choice.... kb cobra will be badass, no doubt about it... but if you KB, aren't you sorta throwing out that whole "cheap" idea that you had at he beginnign of this thread?? (just asking, i honestly dont know what one costs, i just can't imagine it being cheap)
    2015 Corvette Z06
    - Shark Grey / Kalahari
    - bolt-ons, tune, lots of carbon fiber (642/671 rwhp/tq)

  7. #47
    Senior Member
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    from what i can see, it looks like the KB is a sub 5000 dollar mod. and considering what id have to sink into the GTO to get the kind of power it has (which would need a whole new motor and drivetrain basically) its a very cheap mod.

    last night i kind of started leaning back toward the GTo for its great interior and the big 6 liter pushrod 'old school' kind of motor it is.

    a GTO on spray from a roll is not to be taken lightly. a 100 shot of spray usually gains more than that at the wheels and much more torque for whatever reason. but from a dig the 285 tire size is very limiting. (i think) ... ive never driven a car with 285 drag radials and more than 500 hp. so i dont know how it would hook. anyone have knowledge on this?

    there are a few (3) GTO's i know of hitting 10 high consistently. but they are freaks of nature. the fastest a common DD GTO would see is mid 11. which is still plenty fast. but its no 10's.

    i think i have to do some soul searching and find what is most important to me.

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