If I go up to a regular racing day can I race even though I havn't been there for any of the previous regular racing days? Also how much is the entry fee?
Edit: 1 more question. what does box/no box mean?
If I go up to a regular racing day can I race even though I havn't been there for any of the previous regular racing days? Also how much is the entry fee?
Edit: 1 more question. what does box/no box mean?
Last edited by Jivepepper; 05-29-2009 at 07:42 AM.
665/540 New times coming
Old times with 516/453 11.10 @129 Best trap 130.69 -750' DA lol
DYNO VID ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9uOS732mdA
/anyone can race at anytime onn regular race days. Trophy is $20 I believe, street is $30 and Modified is $40. In street you can't be faster then 12.00. Box is for cars that run a delay box in there car. Everone else is no box, like us.
I guess I'm modified? What's trophy? Thanks for the info.
665/540 New times coming
Old times with 516/453 11.10 @129 Best trap 130.69 -750' DA lol
DYNO VID ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9uOS732mdA
Trophy is for beginners and I'm not sure if there is a 12.00 cut for trophy or not. I'm sure someone will answer that later for you
Yep, judging by your signature, you would have to run Modified, 13.99 and quicker, $40 to enter, $800 to win, $350 runner up, $15 round money starting with a second round win. Modified allows transbrakes, 2 steps, etc, but not a delay box.
Trophy is 12.00 and up, requires DOTs and exhaust through the mufflers. This is a good class to start out in. It's also cheaper ($20 entry) than a test n tune, with a minimum of 3 runs (2 time trials, and at least first round of eliminations... win and you get second round, etc).
Street is 12.00 and up, slicks and open headers allowed. $30 entry, $350 to win, $150 runner up, round money starting with second round win.
Top is 11.99 and quicker, and allows the use of a delay box. The motors on sticks (dragsters) run in this class.
I think we may have covered what a delay box is in the "How to bracket race" thread here in the Drag Racing section. But the short description is, it is tied to the transbrake, and allows a racer to leave off of the top bulb, instead of the bottom. Racers can add to or take away from the delay setting to try to improve their reaction times.
thanks for the info.
What do you mean by $15 round money? Sorry I've never ran anything but a Tnt.
I'm looking forward to racing competitively for the first time. I don't have tires for the drag wheels yet so I'm just going to run the street wheels with the 17' dr's. I'm also going to run the conservative tune. It's only 27 hp difference anyway. I just want to get a feel for the car again the first time out with the new setup.
Thanks for the help.
Last edited by Jivepepper; 05-29-2009 at 11:23 AM.
665/540 New times coming
Old times with 516/453 11.10 @129 Best trap 130.69 -750' DA lol
DYNO VID ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9uOS732mdA
No need to be sorry, keep the questions coming. Me, Balaska347, Ares, NovaPRP, etc, we're all track rats, but we were new once too.
Modified is a class that pays out winnings. So, win second round, you got $15 coming your way. Win third round, you have another $15 coming your way.
If you need any help, additional questions, etc, feel free to look us up. We pit on the right down past the tower. Look for my '69 Cutlass, Balaska's '88 Mustang, or Ares' '04 Mustang. Check out the "How to bracket race" thread, and/or fire away with any questions.
Balaska runs Modified, so he'll be in the lanes, usually in 9 or 10 (lanes 7, 8, 9, 10 are the lanes behind Carmen's Cafeteria), and I'm up there with him in eliminations.