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Thread: PCV valve and Kenne Bell on 89GT, do I have this right??

  1. #1
    Member raynist's Avatar
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    Pittsburgh (Upper Saint Clair)

    PCV valve and Kenne Bell on 89GT, do I have this right??

    I have a breather on my valve cover filler neck on the drivers side of the engine. I also have a PCV valve in the lower intake. The hose from the PCV valve runs to the filler neck where there is a fitting.

    I am trying to read through posts about PCV valves and Superchargers but am getting confused.

    Do I have this setup correctly?

    I was thinking that I could run the PCV right to my TB and still use the breather. With the KB my TB does not see boost so this would help alleviate crankcase pressure correct?

    Ray Nist
    1989 GT
    Kenne Bell 1.5 8psi
    Comucam 2040 Camshaft, Boost-a-Spark, C&L Tube, MAC Prochamber, 255lph Pump, AFR 165 61cc Heads, 42lb inj and 1.6 rockers
    TKO-600 Transmission
    Findaza Aluminum Flywheel

  2. #2
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    May 2007
    Make sure you dont create a vac leak and get unmetered air in the system. On the 03-04 Cobras we have to either put breathers on both valves covers or install a catch can along the factor hose routing.

    I went one set farther and ditched the factory system and ran a hose from both the drivers and passangers side valve covers to a breather tank (small tank with a filter on top) that I hid in the fender. I then pluged/removed the factory hoses that ran from the passangers side cover to the air intake and the drivers side cover to the intake maifold on the motor side on the throttle body.

    This setup is the same as putting breathers on each valve cover but the can collects oil so it doesnt get blown out all over you engine bay.
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

    Proudly supports Street Lethal Performance and Rodeheaver's Hotrod Shop

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