items : #17 $450.00 , #24 $120.00 , #30 $80.00 , # 42 $120.00 ,#44 $80.00 , #46 $50.00
items : #17 $450.00 , #24 $120.00 , #30 $80.00 , # 42 $120.00 ,#44 $80.00 , #46 $50.00
Last edited by thebreeze72; 07-30-2009 at 09:02 AM.
item #42 sold and item #2 pending!
$500.00 obo complete 1971 mexican 302 shortblock all original std.bore/std. crank w/all acc. dave(724)425-1911
is #1 sold?
1991 Jewel Green Ford Mustang LX ~ 5.0L / 5-Speed
2011 Torch Red Ford Ranger ~ 2.3L / 5-Speed
1971 White Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu w/ Blue Stripes ~ 8.2L(502) / 4-Speed
might part out next week though if no sale soon!
let me know what you need asap !
items # 24,31,44,45 pending!
u still got a c-4 tanny? how much? any pics?
heffer speed!
#6,11,20,24,31,32,35,44,45 all gone!
#17 gone?
2008 Dodge 3500 DRW 6.7 cummins-tow rig
2013 Mustang Gt GHIG
1978 F150 Camper Special
2012 FLHX street glide 103ci 21" front wheel converstion
1999 Harley softail
1998 Buell Thunderbolt
1997 Buell Thunderbolt
2004 polaris 500ho- snow plower
Cub Cadet 582 Kohler V-twin Puller
Want what you can have, not what you cant.
sold ! milan nmca great event!
- #17 went south for the winter! lol ! #20,29,30"reg. 5.0 pcm" thanks ebay!
- # 7 uppers sold ,but lowers still for sale $150.00 obo
- #9 new prices $180.00 - $50.00 - $25.00
kits all gone thanks ebay!