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Thread: RUTHLESS KB Cobra

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by RUTHLESS View Post
    Ah... no I missed my exit on 79 (exit 60A MOON) and needed help finding the shop and no one was answering. I was working my way down my contact list.

    Did you see that the car picked up 60rwhp over the tune I used to drive out to Carlisle? hehehe
    Ah shoot then I'm really sorry I missed your call, and maybe more sorry I didn't try to sneak a run in with you before you got this far out of my league lol :)

  2. #22
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    I use the Ram powergrip HD in mine, last time I dad it apart (60 +) 6800 rpm launches and it was still in great shape. The key to long life on these clutches is the steel flywheel, these cars are too heavy to launch on aluminum. Ive been down both roads.
    x2 and...the biggest problem I see at the shop with all clutches is poor set up/adjustment. The firewall adjuster/quadrant is not for picking where you want your clutch pedal to catch and release, it is for cable tension and proper engagement and disengagement. You need to have full travel and the right amount of cable tension to facilitate that, if not you are damaging hardware, I see it all the time...I also cant believe how many cars come in with after market clutches and no firewall adjuster or quadrant...big no no
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
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  3. #23
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    How is your clutch setup on the street? I understand it can hold power but is it an "on off" setup or would I be able to use it in Pittsburgh traffic?

    Jon said this was a safe tune and I could beat on it and not have to worry. He started at 15 degrees timing and kicked it up to 17. Thats when the hp/tq jumped the most. My charge temp was 130 the last pull and he set it up to start pulling timing at 136. The A/F was 11.7 acrossed the board from what Jon said but I didnt see it. I was standing outside and leting him work his magic. I ask what the next step would be and Jon said more boost and mixed gas.

    Do you have the A/F readings ploted out? If so can you post them?
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

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  4. #24
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RUTHLESS View Post
    How is your clutch setup on the street? I understand it can hold power but is it an "on off" setup or would I be able to use it in Pittsburgh traffic?

    Jon said this was a safe tune and I could beat on it and not have to worry. He started at 15 degrees timing and kicked it up to 17. Thats when the hp/tq jumped the most. My charge temp was 130 the last pull and he set it up to start pulling timing at 136. The A/F was 11.7 acrossed the board from what Jon said but I didnt see it. I was standing outside and leting him work his magic. I ask what the next step would be and Jon said more boost and mixed gas.

    Do you have the A/F readings ploted out? If so can you post them?
    here you go bro...Anolog 1 is boost
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    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
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    (412) 279-4902

  5. #25
    Super Moderator u1arunit's Avatar
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    Sounds like a nice safe tune Ryan. John is a really great tuner, that's for sure.
    LeMans Blue Z06

  6. #26
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RUTHLESS View Post
    How is your clutch setup on the street? I understand it can hold power but is it an "on off" setup or would I be able to use it in Pittsburgh traffic?
    It's as streetable as can be. There's one in my old Cobra. Ask Jeff to try it out.

  7. #27
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Thats gotta be the straightest torque line I have ever seen!!!

    I agree on the clutches. Mine is at the end now also. Its a Ram "muscle car" clutch but its pretty much done. Dyno pulls are now a no no. HAHA
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  8. #28
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    I put a Spec 3+ in my T/A and really like it .... it obviously has plenty of holding power, and it was extremely smooth... virtually no chatter, and had great engagement... It was stiffer than I expected (especially since LS1 cars have hydraulic clutches) and the engagement was pretty sudden, but not where you couldnt get used to it.... i drove in pittsburgh traffic everytime I had it out and never had a problem....
    2015 Corvette Z06
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  9. #29
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    Thanks a million guys! Now this is that the board should be used for. Car guys helping other car guys.
    (Lou if any of that Pittspeed crap gets in here feel free to delete it.)

    I agree the torque line is very flat and seems to run right off the end of the graph. I just wish it was a tad higher. We will see what a new clutch and some cool down time does for me next time.
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

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  10. #30
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    Would a Behemoth intake help me at all with the little 2.2 at lower boost? I have been reading but I cant find any hard numbers. All I know is that the stock KB inlet is a piece of junk. lol
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

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  11. #31
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RUTHLESS View Post
    Would a Behemoth intake help me at all with the little 2.2 at lower boost? I have been reading but I cant find any hard numbers. All I know is that the stock KB inlet is a piece of junk. lol
    The inlet is a restriction so if it is compatible with the behemoth I am sure you would pick up some extra ponies!!! There are lots of things you can do to make more power, just depends on what you want and can afford
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
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  12. #32
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    While I was looking up data some one bought it out from under me.
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

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  13. #33
    KB snake
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    I seen a post over on svtperformance where they tried a behemouth on a 2.2l. on 22 pounds and race gas it picked up 21hp. then they went and added one to a 2.8 car and it picked up 96hp. Also note that both of these cars head heads and cams

  14. #34
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    ^that sounds like a terrible investment on a 2.2!!

    Ryan, just throw some nitrous at it :)

  15. #35
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post
    ^that sounds like a terrible investment on a 2.2!!

    Ryan, just throw some nitrous at it :)
    The whole cars a "terrible investment"!

    I thought it was a bad investment at 50hp but I would only get like 5hp. Thats $1 per .0033333 HP!
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

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  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by RUTHLESS View Post
    The whole cars a "terrible investment"!

    I thought it was a bad investment at 50hp but I would only get like 5hp. Thats $1 per .0033333 HP!
    haha oh I know, I meant relative to the rest of the poop we blow our money on!! $1 for all that rawwwwww power?! SIGN ME UP!!

  17. #37
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    You would think I would be happy with what I have but no. lol

    That intake was just an idea. I wouldn't say a good one after that bit of info but thats the norm for me. BTW I thought I found a used one, thats why I asked about it.

    If anyone finds a JATO rocket engine, let me know! lol
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

    Proudly supports Street Lethal Performance and Rodeheaver's Hotrod Shop

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by RUTHLESS View Post
    You would think I would be happy with what I have but no. lol

    That intake was just an idea. I wouldn't say a good one after that bit of info but thats the norm for me. BTW I thought I found a used one, thats why I asked about it.

    If anyone finds a JATO rocket engine, let me know! lol
    dream big ;)

    [ame=""]YouTube- Insane new turbine boat Miami to Key West Poker Run[/ame]
    just put up with the crappy music, TMI builds effin masterpieces

    put some helecopter turbines in your car! now all we gotta do is brain storming ways to extend your frame by another 42' hahaha
    Last edited by MBH; 06-17-2009 at 11:10 PM.

  19. #39
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    Want more power, nitrous is about the best route imo. I'm like you, I want more power, 50-75 shot is always a possbility. Close to 600 hp is still a decent amount of power I'd say. The tq could be higher, but I said that about mine at it being only 535. See if the clutch idea works.
    Last edited by o4c0b|2a; 06-18-2009 at 09:12 PM.
    04 KB Cobra
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  20. #40
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    You lost your freakn mind. I like it!!!!
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

    Proudly supports Street Lethal Performance and Rodeheaver's Hotrod Shop

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