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Thread: RUTHLESS KB Cobra

  1. #61
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by police4.6 View Post
    i am soooo pleased to see that one of the more respected shops in the area do something like this. very professional sir.
    Call it unprofessional, call it what you want. This is my lively hood and I take great pride in what I do. I have a right to defend my self and I am not going to sit around and let someone intentionally lie to hurt my reputation. For every 100 people that read all of this stuff and see Ryan for the bonehead he is, there will still be at least 1 person who thinks I'm the bonehead and will never use or recommend my shop. I have no problem with people sharing there experience with my shop on here, positive or negative, thats what MY FORUM is for. I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, but what separates me from the rest is that I right my wrongs before a car ever leaves the shop. Anyone that knows me or is a customers will back that up all day long.
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  2. #62
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    I would really like to see these so called blown up engines. I think what you are talking about are cars that came to him already blown. Then get blamed in him cause he dg'd it. The nut swinging is indeed priceless!!!!
    People need to get some facts straight before shooting your mouth. Police4.6, i can't seem to think who's nuts you are swinging from buy it's pretty uncalled for. But since you are banned, oh well. Big loss there. Hahaha. Mike has gone out of his way for me and my wife on different occasions. I appreciate that. I wouldn't think twice to take anything to him if i had to.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  3. #63
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    I The nut swinging is indeed priceless!!!!
    People need to get some facts straight before shooting your mouth. Police4.6, i can't seem to think who's nuts you are swinging from buy it's pretty uncalled for. But since you are banned, oh well. Big loss there.
    Rob, where does 99 % of the nut swinging and drama come from?
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

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  4. #64
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 94svtcobra View Post
    I have personally seen pistons from cars that you have worked on and tuned that were fried. so to say you have never blown up any cars is infact a LIE.
    No, you seen a piston from an ex customers car who TRIED to blame us for his troubles. Fact his he had mechanical issues with his car long before we ever laid a tune on it. When we finally got the opportunity to tune his car, he made the power he should have and the car ran and drove great. What happened after that, I have no idea as he basically turned his back on us and jumped ship to another shop. Once the other shop was done building his new motor, who do you think the start up tune came from? Pretty odd that he would get a tune from the same person that supposedly blew his motor up, don't you think? How's that built motor car doing now, still down on power? Do you really want to go there with me? If you or anyone else wants to, feel free to start a thread in my forum, I will be more then happy make you guys look like boneheads too
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  5. #65
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    I hear ya there!!! Hasn't been any in quite a long time either.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    Rob, where does 99 % of the nut swinging and drama come from?
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  6. #66
    FAST WIT A FORD OVAL 90TitaniumStang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic03snake View Post
    what would you know about a fried piston? You can't even change your own driveshaft. You had to drive 40 minutes to u town for someone to do it for you. Lol.
    lou this i can attest to. I was asked what size wrench was needed.
    Last edited by 90TitaniumStang; 08-18-2010 at 11:15 AM.
    1989 GT Black,full 16 pt MOLY 8.50 CERT.
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  7. #67
    Clean mineralrob's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    may sound stupid but anyone who cleans your car or sweeps it out after there done working on it is a honorable guy in my book.!

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  8. #68
    FAST WIT A FORD OVAL 90TitaniumStang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by police4.6 View Post
    wow ****ing faggot.
    who is this kid
    1989 GT Black,full 16 pt MOLY 8.50 CERT.
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    super victor
    230cc CNC
    Hooker 2 in headers
    pa sc c4, 4600 stall
    9" LADDER 3.70 PRO GEARS
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  9. #69
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Apparently some asshole who needs slapped again. Must be so.e interweb tough guy. L
    Quote Originally Posted by 90TitaniumStang View Post
    who is this kid
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  10. #70
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    Exclamation I call bs

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack Speed View Post
    I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, but what separates me from the rest is that I right my wrongs before a car ever leaves the shop. Anyone that knows me or is a customers will back that up all day long.
    I think this is up for debate.

    You and I have had a history together my car left your shop from a longtube install, as a result I got:
    -a car that had troubles with hot starts (never had that ever before)
    -a shift light that flashes intermittently/randomly
    -developed a smoking problem, which turned out to be a melted #7 piston (you diagnosed it as valve guides).

    Before you go off the deep end and smash me for being a prick, liar, twofaced jerk, butthole or whatever colorful adjectives you feel like using your libel wit for, finish reading my post.

    The only reason I have a problem with you is because of how you handled the problems that my car developed. Plain and simple!

    When I called you about the problem saying that it was emitting smoke from the tail pipes which had an odd (not quite oily, not quite coolant, almost pine scented smell), you told me, and I quote "just beat on it until the smoke goes away." (guess you have to pay for that dyno somehow, right?)

    After respectfully declining your advice, I still proceeded to drive the car on occasion and try to trouble shoot it on my own. Replaced the PCV system, etc. I gave up, so I took it to you to check it out. You charged me something like $115-$150 (can't remember exact figure) to check everything out. This is the part that kills me - you told me that my valve guides were bad, and that I needed to buy new heads Bad valve guides??? New heads?? The car had 13xxx miles on it at the time!

    I asked you to price out what you thought everything was going to cost with you doing the work (which wouldn't have even been the right work to begin with!!!) and it was much higher than the other shops that I had talked to. I decided to cut my losses with you and take my business elsewhere. You then got very upset with me for not "giving you a chance" to have that work, yet the only thing that kept you from getting the job in the first place was the fact that your quotes were so high! I also made the decision that if I was going to get my motor taken apart, I'd prefer to have it at a shop that had actually built a 4.6 4v before.

    This is where it gets dramatic.

    As soon as I took it to the other shop, I was messaged with some apprehensive bad news - the #7 piston looks like it was all chewed up from scoping the motor (something that you said you did, and but didn't charge me for).

    I had the motor bored and built at the shop and I couldn't be happier with his service, communication and the relationship that he and I have built. I'm sorry if you get offended and call me all sorts of names if I were to say something true about another shop. I listened to you from the beginning and I had all sorts of bad images painted in my head about that other shop which you hate so very much. I'm really glad that I went down and saw for myself that it wasn't anything like the BS you had been feeding me since we first met. I've had nothing but good experiences with the car since he's been working on it

    As far as Lund's ability to tune - I think he is one of the best. I do NOT think that he blew up my motor. I have no issues with him whatsoever, and if he didn't work with Mike I would not hesitate to do business with him again. I was there with him when he was tuning my car and he showed me everything he was doing while he did it, and explained it to me so that I would understand.

    For everybody that's so quick to ride Mike's nuts and defend him so blindly (at least the people who have never had any work done with him), here is something for you lemmings to think about: how exactly does a self proclaimed top notch mechanic confuse a melted piston with worn valve guide seals when he charges to do all the tests he felt were needed to determine the problem, anyways?

    The way I feel about it? The situation that happened between Mike and I leaves me two choices: He's either a liar that's covering up the problem or incompetent as a mechanic.

    The last time I brought this up as a response to Mike, he called me mechanically ignorant. Great, so I'm not a mechanic. I don't charge people to work on cars. You caught me. I'll take being mechanically ignorant over being an ignorant mechanic every day of the week.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack Speed View Post
    No, you seen a piston from an ex customers car who TRIED to blame us for his troubles. Fact his he had mechanical issues with his car long before we ever laid a tune on it. When we finally got the opportunity to tune his car, he made the power he should have and the car ran and drove great. What happened after that, I have no idea as he basically turned his back on us and jumped ship to another shop. Once the other shop was done building his new motor, who do you think the start up tune came from? Pretty odd that he would get a tune from the same person that supposedly blew his motor up, don't you think? How's that built motor car doing now, still down on power? Do you really want to go there with me? If you or anyone else wants to, feel free to start a thread in my forum, I will be more then happy make you guys look like boneheads too
    I "turned my back" on your prices. Call that jumping ship if you want.

    My mechanical issues with the car were bad valve guides, right Mike?

    I have no problems with Lund, only with you. I had Lund provide me a very very rich break in tune because I had paid for a tune that I had only used for a few hundred miles. I didn't ask for a refund. Emotions were high, and things were said. I won't deny that on EITHER of our ends.

    The car is running very strong actually, even on a conservative tune. thank you for your false accusations.

  12. #72
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post
    I "turned my back" on your prices. Call that jumping ship if you want.

    My mechanical issues with the car were bad valve guides, right Mike?

    I have no problems with Lund, only with you. I had Lund provide me a very very rich break in tune because I had paid for a tune that I had only used for a few hundred miles. I didn't ask for a refund. Emotions were high, and things were said. I won't deny that on EITHER of our ends.

    The car is running very strong actually, even on a conservative tune. thank you for your false accusations.
    I think the question has not been answered though, do you believe your motor blew due to something Mike did? That was the insinuation Ruthless made.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
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  13. #73
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    This is where it gets dramatic.

    As soon as I took it to the other shop, I was messaged with some apprehensive bad news - the #7 piston looks like it was all chewed up from scoping the motor (something that you said you did, and but didn't charge me for).

    I had the motor bored and built at the shop and I couldn't be happier with his s

    For everybody that's so quick to ride Mike's nuts and defend him so blindly (at least the people who have never had any work done with him), here is something for you lemmings to think about: how exactly does a self proclaimed top notch mechanic confuse a melted piston with worn valve guide seals when he charges to do all the tests he felt were needed to determine the problem, anyways?

    The way I feel about it? The situation that happened between Mike and I leaves me two choices: He's either a liar that's covering up the problem or incompetent as a mechanic.

    The last time I brought this up as a response to Mike, he called me mechanically ignorant. Great, so I'm not a mechanic. I don't charge people to work on cars. You caught me. I'll take being mechanically ignorant over being an ignorant mechanic every day of the week.[/QUOTE]

    This can be a bit confusing here but i will try to break it down some. I was at mikes shop when your car was there for the said issue. The conrad are known for guide problems. Mime did scope your cylinders. At that time the only issue was a guide. Now, your car is boosted. Oil is an octane killer. Big time. In the time you were driving the car till you went to the other shop oil continued to get past the guide. Causing detonation which melted the piston. The pine smell you were smelling was the oils from the longtubes burning off.
    In essence, you caused the piston to melt by not taking care of the issue asap.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    I think the question has not been answered though, do you believe your motor blew due to something Mike did? That was the insinuation Ruthless made.
    I am not making the same accusations that Ryan made, I'm calling attention to the fact that Mike has made some very questionable mistakes in the past, which I've had the misfortune of being involved with. Those mistakes make me question his proficiency as a mechanic, as he holds himself in such high regard as.

    Unless Mike has engaged in things that he has not disclosed to me, or anyone else, with MY car then he couldn't have, right?

    The entire reason I posted in this thread was basically to show the peanut gallery that things aren't always as peachy as they seem down at Wolfpack speed.

  15. #75
    FAST WIT A FORD OVAL 90TitaniumStang's Avatar
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    Perfect example:

    Tyler's V6

    The parts weren't researched, I did the cam and etc. He brought it down to your shop and the thing exploded on the dyno. Ur fault?? HELL NO. The cam was to big and he didn't want to pull the heads of for me to check PTV clearance. So he listened to someone he just wanted ride of the cam and never researched it. But what you did after was very helpful. You talked with Tyler and explained to him his otions. I put a new motor in it and the tune was sent from John and all is well. Tyler can attest to your customer satisfaction.

    Mike I hope you business thrives and hopefully one of these days i will try to put down 4 digits on you dyno.
    1989 GT Black,full 16 pt MOLY 8.50 CERT.
    461w Dart block w/ 4 bolt-all 5 caps
    super victor
    230cc CNC
    Hooker 2 in headers
    pa sc c4, 4600 stall
    9" LADDER 3.70 PRO GEARS
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    1.316 60ft 9.16@156

  16. #76
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post
    I think this is up for debate.

    You and I have had a history together my car left your shop from a longtube install, as a result I got:
    -a car that had troubles with hot starts (never had that ever before)
    -a shift light that flashes intermittently/randomly
    -developed a smoking problem, which turned out to be a melted #7 piston (you diagnosed it as valve guides).

    Before you go off the deep end and smash me for being a prick, liar, twofaced jerk, butthole or whatever colorful adjectives you feel like using your libel wit for, finish reading my post.

    I don't need to read your post again because I wrote you off the minute you refused to man up and come talk to me about your issues in person. I was so adimit about you doing so because the main issue between you and I was a lack of communication and your lack of mechanical knowledge. If you think I blew up your motor because I installed a set of long tubes, thats fine, whatever. That doesn't surprised me as you also think I pulled your motor to install them
    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
    4290 Campbells Run Rd
    Pittsburgh, PA 15205
    (412) 279-4902

  17. #77
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBH View Post
    I am not making the same accusations that Ryan made, I'm calling attention to the fact that Mike has made some very questionable mistakes in the past, which I've had the misfortune of being involved with. Those mistakes make me question his proficiency as a mechanic, as he holds himself in such high regard as.

    Unless Mike has engaged in things that he has not disclosed to me, or anyone else, with MY car then he couldn't have, right?

    The entire reason I posted in this thread was basically to show the peanut gallery that things aren't always as peachy as they seem down at Wolfpack speed.
    Thanks for the clarification, you and mikes relationship is a whole different topic.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

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    508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
    1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH

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  18. #78
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    I screwed up on my quoting here. Basically, the valve guide leaking and you continuing on driving the car is what blew it up.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    This can be a bit confusing here but i will try to break it down some. I was at mikes shop when your car was there for the said issue. The conrad are known for guide problems. Mime did scope your cylinders. At that time the only issue was a guide. Now, your car is boosted. Oil is an octane killer. Big time. In the time you were driving the car till you went to the other shop oil continued to get past the guide. Causing detonation which melted the piston. The pine smell you were smelling was the oils from the longtubes burning off.
    In essence, you caused the piston to melt by not taking care of the issue asap.
    The only miles that were put on the car after I had Mike check it out were on the cruise down to "that other shop." Are you saying that the 60 miles of highway (never hit boost) driving caused the problem of detonation? The funny thing about worn valve guides - they only drip oil into the cylinders when the motor is sitting, so any amount of oil getting into the motor during it's operation time would be burned off once the motor started up. Hence why valve guide problems only cause smoke on start up...

    Furthermore, the heads didn't need any machining done, there were no valve guide problems to speak of. Then or now.

    So, are you trying to insinuate that I was beating on the car? after Mike gave the diagnosis of valve guide wear? (Mike's initial advice anyways!)

    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    I screwed up on my quoting here. Basically, the valve guide leaking and you continuing on driving the car is what blew it up.
    I fixed it, and no it wasn't. read above.
    Last edited by MBH; 08-18-2010 at 12:21 PM.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack Speed View Post

    I don't need to read your post again because I wrote you off the minute you refused to man up and come talk to me about your issues in person. I was so adimit about you doing so because the main issue between you and I was a lack of communication and your lack of mechanical knowledge. If you think I blew up your motor because I installed a set of long tubes, thats fine, whatever. That doesn't surprised me as you also think I pulled your motor to install them
    Because I couldn't come to your shop at your convenience because I worked during the same hours as you? Keep telling yourself what you want, people can come to their own conclusions.

    My lack of mechanical knowledge should never have been an issue. That is what I paid you for.

    Your lack of reading ability is an entirely different subject. I'm sorry I can't bend over backwards and meet you on your time table, but I can write you an email at night when you're not working so you can read it at your own convenience.

    You told me that you pulled my motor, so again, you're not helping your cause as looking like an honest mechanic.

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