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Thread: RUTHLESS KB Cobra

  1. #141
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    volant, pa 1 hour 10 minutes to summit
    6.4 litre fox and its all ford

  2. #142
    Senior Member 97LaserRed's Avatar
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    I would love to say somthing to almost every quote in this thread but its way too much!!! LMAO!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by 90TitaniumStang View Post
    Its sad when you blame someone else for your cat clogging
    GTFO you have no idea whats going on! HAHAHAHAHA

    Quote Originally Posted by 93FOX View Post
    geese i need tuned not sure who to go with, team 1 or team 2 what seems like everyone on here is on a side
    is anyone on team 3 and not give a shit
    i dont because i havent had work down by either
    keep it between each other not get every one involved
    HAHAHA yes I am with team 4 Any questions with team 4 shoot me a PM I will gladly point you in their direction.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfpack Speed View Post

    Play the he said she said card all you want, all you are doing is making your self look like an even bigger fool then you already are. Just like your fellow Steel City Terminette Ryan, you don't have a leg to stand on! I don't lie about anything, I don't need to as I am quite comfortable in my skin and with who I am as business professional. The time for manning up and allowing me to better educate you so that you could understand and deal with the issues you were having went out the door when you chose to continue playing little internet games and refused to come see me in person. Your a spoiled little brat who had trouble with his car and handled the situation as poorly as you possibly could, your full of excuses and full of sh$t.

    I apologize if I have offended anyone or if anyone feels I have been unprofessional in any way. I started this shop with nothing more then an idea and have worked very hard to earn the reputation that we have. Judging by the overwhelming support I receive from both friends and customers on here, it's pretty obvious that people see these situations for what they are. When you work on as many cars as I do, you are bound to run into an idiot here and there. Oh well, what can you do? You cant make everyone happy and I don't have the time to chase everyone around and make them feel special

    Honestly I don't have any issues with you or your work....but your post however, are very unprofessional and would steer me the other way for business. Seems to me that everything Bo has said he was able to back up, not making himself look like a fool! Yes some stuff he said was wrong but why would he need to know this stuff to become a doctor. lol....Thats why he would come to you, a professional. If I were you I would have kept my mouth shut the whole time so all this B.S. wont come up while people search your name (looking on where to do business). I would like to hear both sides of the story but every time you post somthing it just contains somthing along the lines of calling Bo a p****, spoiled brat, etc. Why can we not just let all this go... it was over a year ago and everyone is getting so butt hurt over it...

    Quote Originally Posted by CST 03 View Post
    Who needs Soap Operas when we've got SCS?
    this was my entertainment for the day!!!!! WOOOOOO!

  3. #143
    Senior Member 97LaserRed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 90TitaniumStang View Post
    Its not that i can't read good it thats you have said so much bullshit that i dont wanna read HALF OF it.
    [nomedia=""]YouTube- You Mad[/nomedia]

  4. #144
    ahh man im riding solo with 3 lol well enjoy team 4 ill see ya at the match up hahaha
    Mustang 00 v6- Mini Termi
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  5. #145
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    I probably shouldn't say a thing but all this made me remember buyin a used set of long tube wire extenders off of biminiLX at a SCS dyno day at Wolfpack and had him, Mike and Lou tell me-yeah they're good, 20 bucks is a good deal, yeah they're fine they'll work, yeah go ahead and use'em, same ones we use and sell.

    Welp, they were the wrong ones. Wrong wire #'ers, the ends where gutted pretty much, no male pins or conductance in either end. Me not knowing nothin about nothing at the time when it come to pieceing parts to an exhaust together was steered down a dead end road with that one by some big dogz, lol. It really wasn't that big a deal at all, u live n learn and learn and live. I just had the pleasure of rollin out to Summit to get some brand new ones the next day.

    Um just sayin watch out when purchasing some used parts cause Snakes slither around with crowns from all aspects nowadayz!
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  6. #146
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamantiumSilvr View Post
    I probably shouldn't say a thing but all this made me remember buyin a used set of long tube wire extenders off of biminiLX at a SCS dyno day at Wolfpack and had him, Mike and Lou tell me-yeah they're good, 20 bucks is a good deal, yeah they're fine they'll work, yeah go ahead and use'em, same ones we use and sell.

    Welp, they were the wrong ones. Wrong wire #'ers, the ends where gutted pretty much, no male pins or conductance in either end. Me not knowing nothin about nothing at the time when it come to pieceing parts to an exhaust together was steered down a dead end road with that one by some big dogz, lol. It really wasn't that big a deal at all, u live n learn and learn and live. I just had the pleasure of rollin out to Summit to get some brand new ones the next day.

    Um just sayin watch out when purchasing some used parts cause Snakes slither around with crowns from all aspects nowadayz!
    So you are calling J, Lou and Mike all snakes? That's real nice ponch!!!
    1 Monte SS. White.

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    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  7. #147
    Senior Member 97LaserRed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamantiumSilvr View Post

    Um just sayin watch out when purchasing some used parts cause Snakes slither around with crowns from all aspects nowadayz!
    LMAO at this part!!!

  8. #148
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    What would you know about a fried piston? You can't even change your own driveshaft. You had to drive 40 minutes to U town for someone to do it for you. LOL.
    Sry I didnt want to risk my life to crawl under my car to change my driveshaft. My life is worth more than 40 bucks. Not my problem Wolfpack leaned out the tune so bad it ruined a 13xxx mile mostly stock termi. but then again maybe its just valve guides.
    Last edited by 94svtcobra; 08-18-2010 at 06:59 PM.

  9. #149
    F'in Catalina Yacht Mixer 94svtcobra's Avatar
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    deleted because I have no idea what im talking about.
    Last edited by 94svtcobra; 08-18-2010 at 07:19 PM.

  10. #150
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamantiumSilvr View Post
    I probably shouldn't say a thing but all this made me remember buyin a used set of long tube wire extenders off of biminiLX at a SCS dyno day at Wolfpack and had him, Mike and Lou tell me-yeah they're good, 20 bucks is a good deal, yeah they're fine they'll work, yeah go ahead and use'em, same ones we use and sell.

    Welp, they were the wrong ones. Wrong wire #'ers, the ends where gutted pretty much, no male pins or conductance in either end. Me not knowing nothin about nothing at the time when it come to pieceing parts to an exhaust together was steered down a dead end road with that one by some big dogz, lol. It really wasn't that big a deal at all, u live n learn and learn and live. I just had the pleasure of rollin out to Summit to get some brand new ones the next day.

    Um just sayin watch out when purchasing some used parts cause Snakes slither around with crowns from all aspects nowadayz!
    Seriously F U buddy
    You said you were in need of a set on a Friday and really needed them by the weekend.
    I told you what I had and could bring to the dyno day the next day AND that I'd give you your money back if they didn't work. And it was only $20!
    And they were working when I took them off my '01 Cobra, just a corner of the plastic receiver plug was missing, should not have effected anything.
    When you said they didn't work I said no problem, just bring them to the next event we'd both be at and I'd give you you're money back.
    You haven't mentioned it since and I fully intended to keep my work.
    I thought I was doing you a favor, if they didn't work you'd get your money back and still have to drive out to Summit anyway.
    Wow, just wow.
    '91 LX Bimini Blue
    427"/88mm on 16psi

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  11. #151
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    Yes some stuff he said was wrong but why would he need to know this stuff to become a doctor. lol....
    LOL, trust me, there enough room in a human brain to know both
    '91 LX Bimini Blue
    427"/88mm on 16psi

    '99 Contour SVT
    Clean DD

  12. #152
    1st Stang boost_92's Avatar
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    WOW! I just wanna give props to Mike for fixing my car in 1 day when nobody else could. And I mean nobody.
    1999 35th Anniverary Limited Edition! To many goodies to list! But cant leave out Mr. Kenne Bell!

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  13. #153
    Senior Member 97LaserRed's Avatar
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    Lol at this thread again!!!! Everybody hates everyone! Now we see everyones true colors.


  14. #154
    Just spank it!!! Viper_ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wick View Post
    This is where it gets dramatic.

    As soon as I took it to the other shop, I was messaged with some apprehensive bad news - the #7 piston looks like it was all chewed up from scoping the motor (something that you said you did, and but didn't charge me for).

    I had the motor bored and built at the shop and I couldn't be happier with his s

    For everybody that's so quick to ride Mike's nuts and defend him so blindly (at least the people who have never had any work done with him), here is something for you lemmings to think about: how exactly does a self proclaimed top notch mechanic confuse a melted piston with worn valve guide seals when he charges to do all the tests he felt were needed to determine the problem, anyways?

    The way I feel about it? The situation that happened between Mike and I leaves me two choices: He's either a liar that's covering up the problem or incompetent as a mechanic.

    The last time I brought this up as a response to Mike, he called me mechanically ignorant. Great, so I'm not a mechanic. I don't charge people to work on cars. You caught me. I'll take being mechanically ignorant over being an ignorant mechanic every day of the week.

    This can be a bit confusing here but i will try to break it down some. I was at mikes shop when your car was there for the said issue. The conrad are known for guide problems. Mime did scope your cylinders. At that time the only issue was a guide. Now, your car is boosted. Oil is an octane killer. Big time. In the time you were driving the car till you went to the other shop oil continued to get past the guide. Causing detonation which melted the piston. The pine smell you were smelling was the oils from the longtubes burning off.
    In essence, you caused the piston to melt by not taking care of the issue asap.

    Learn to type and properly quote post bonehead!!! I hate you too! :D
    Last edited by Viper_ed; 08-18-2010 at 09:09 PM.

  15. #155
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 97LaserRed View Post
    Lol at this thread again!!!! Everybody hates everyone! Now we see everyones true colors.

    Yeah I guess so
    '91 LX Bimini Blue
    427"/88mm on 16psi

    '99 Contour SVT
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  16. #156
    If You Wanna thedak's Avatar
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    LSx or GTFO

  17. #157
    Senior Member 97LaserRed's Avatar
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    GTFO yes! Hahahahaha. LSx ftw!

  18. #158
    If You Wanna thedak's Avatar
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    This is what happens when go OHC.

    You guys will learn one day.

  19. #159
    Senior Member 97LaserRed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LS2GTO View Post
    This is what happens when go OHC.

    You guys will learn one day.
    lol I already did!!!

  20. #160
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamantiumSilvr View Post
    I probably shouldn't say a thing but all this made me remember buyin a used set of long tube wire extenders off of biminiLX at a SCS dyno day at Wolfpack and had him, Mike and Lou tell me-yeah they're good, 20 bucks is a good deal, yeah they're fine they'll work, yeah go ahead and use'em, same ones we use and sell.

    Welp, they were the wrong ones. Wrong wire #'ers, the ends where gutted pretty much, no male pins or conductance in either end. Me not knowing nothin about nothing at the time when it come to pieceing parts to an exhaust together was steered down a dead end road with that one by some big dogz, lol. It really wasn't that big a deal at all, u live n learn and learn and live. I just had the pleasure of rollin out to Summit to get some brand new ones the next day.

    Um just sayin watch out when purchasing some used parts cause Snakes slither around with crowns from all aspects nowadayz!
    I REALLY don't like being called out after trying to help someone.
    From PMs back from 4/09, the day after I was a 'snake'.
    We have not met since and you've never brought it up until this cowardly comment today.
    Brent, those are your O2 extenders now you DB POS.

    True that, I ended up goin to Summit today to pick up a set. Which costed over 60 bucks! Little dent in the wallet, which was the cherry on top of the full exhaust completion, which sucked. Thats tuff, I guess this is the kinda stuff u run into when u start upgradin our stangs, haha.
    But yeah I looked at the difference between them and it seemed that the female ends were gutted out and there were no pins in the male ends. And I needed four wires, n on those there were only three. Oh well u live and learn.
    Continueity thou is a full signal between two connections, which insures when ends mate that signal is passin threw'em.
    Anyway, I'll be out and about now cruisin, goin to meet ups and racin so will be catchin up with ya here sometime soon. Thanx again, take care. PEACE Brent

    Originally Posted by biminiLX
    Nice meeting you too, hope to see more SCS meets.
    That sucks they didn't work.
    I have no idea what you mean by continuity, and thats strange they didn't work, they really should have. Like I said, no problem getting your money back.
    Anyway, next time we meet we can exchange.

    Originally Posted by AdamantiumSilvr
    ...what up?! It was nice BS'n and meetin ya today.
    Unfortunately, the guy tried hookin up those extenders and they didn't mate up. Mine have four wires, with four prongs. Not really sure if that made a difference but...
    Anyway, well the female end that mates to the headers actually clicked into place the way it was supposed too. While the male ends that hook up to the motor didn't have any pins at all in'em.
    He then ran both extenders on a tester to check continueity between both male and female ends and it was a negative with no connection.
    I really appreciate spur of the momentness to a fellow stanger. I actually thought it was all to good to be true. And was all finally gonna come together. But I guess I should of expected this, cause that's the kinda luck I got, lol.
    If u could hook me up with that loot sometime when were all out n about cruisein, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanx, again will be catchin up with ya. Later Brent

    '91 LX Bimini Blue
    427"/88mm on 16psi

    '99 Contour SVT
    Clean DD

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