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Thread: Blue instrument lights

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    boats n hoes fork5o's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Blue instrument lights

    I wasnt sure if this was on here yet, so i figured id post it up. I have white face gauges on my instrument cluster that light up the numbers and markings blue. Well, i was looking into making my HVAC instruments do the same, but i didnt like the look of having the white face in there. After a little research online, i found that the instruments markings are actually blue and because the factory uses an amber bulb, they shine green. Simple fix, buy 194 ultra white LED replacement bulbs (a couple bux on ebay).

    I only did the HVAC bulbs, which there are two of in the back of it. If you are going to do the instrument cluster, there are five bulbs in that. Its a great way to keep the factory look and have blue colored gauges instead of green.
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    1995 5.0
    The Car

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