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Thread: 225/45/ZR17s Dunlop SP8080 (4) $150 OBO

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  1. #1
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    225/45/ZR17s Dunlop SP8080 (4) $150 OBO

    I have these from my Contour SVT, bought new summer wheels with tires so I don't need these.
    They are Dunlop SP8080 Star-spec which is like the SP8000 but has some better qualities--the 8080 and Star designates them as OEM for BMWs and a few other German OEs.
    Anyway, 2 were bought brand new last year ($168 each) and have about 8k on them and look great, the other 2 were bought from a friend who works at an Audi dealership and have some wear on one edge, should last at least 1 more summer or more.
    No plugs, leaks, vibations or anything weird, they were great on my car and I'll keep them for spares if they don't sell.
    $150 firm located in Beaver, PA

    Thanks, J
    '91 LX Bimini Blue
    427"/88mm on 16psi

    '99 Contour SVT
    Clean DD

  2. #2
    never stock biminiLX's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Looks like I'll be shipping these this week unless I get a local buyer.
    '91 LX Bimini Blue
    427"/88mm on 16psi

    '99 Contour SVT
    Clean DD

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