710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
I :heart: Andy the BIG DAWG!!!!
LOL....oh it was def a Kodak moment
R.I.P Frankie
Till tonight andy,after that me!:D
Andy won't race anyone now :(
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
why,,,,,,,,,,,,,wooooooooooooohooooooooooooo i win by default!!!!!!!!!!poooooooooop
No racing ????????????????????????????
come and get some!
i just spent 1.5 hrs reading all this b.s. i came up with one more rule question. do the flashlight drags count for any of the plates? kinda like the cardboard one, but don't have the $1.99 plus 1.5%
Yup no racing,2 weekends of waiting on Andy to call or text & nothing!!poop!
so andy is out and nobody shows up to race him? or is everyone afraid to take the chance and lose? it could happen!
come and get some!
I heard that,when i went though about 8:45 & little after 2am,no one was around
I aint scarred.I've been waiting on a call or text for 2 weeks!
No call was to me,i told everyone,call or text me,I'll be doing the family thing,but will come out,no calls or text!:o
I didn't get a call either.
710whp/520wtq 9.95@145
Frye was supposed to come out and race but i knew he wouldnt show