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Thread: were the heck is everyone?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    were the heck is everyone?

    Whats up lately, The most people i have seen on this site in the last few weeks/months has benn 10-15 at one time..... The other sites are seeing 50-200 people at once??? whats up?? maybe everyone is using the invisable mode or something?
    Last edited by Rodeheaver's; 07-10-2009 at 11:25 AM.
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  2. #2
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    Ninjas maybe

  3. #3
    Senior Member RUTHLESS's Avatar
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    May 2007
    As long as the weather is nice I think everyone is out enjoying their cars. Me... I work on computers all day and drop in when I can. lol
    Stock 03 Cobra Vroom Vroom!!

    Proudly supports Street Lethal Performance and Rodeheaver's Hotrod Shop

  4. #4
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Mt Pleasant, PA
    Actually, yesterday was one of the highest user counts we have had in a while. 237 unique users signed on yesterday. Pretty good for summer time.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

    New combo,
    Ported Eaton, upper/lower
    508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
    1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH

    WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
    06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner

  5. #5
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    There are a lot of hidden users. I get on here a good but with ky phone. Its summer time man!
    1 Monte SS. White.

    Banned dates
    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  6. #6
    my ride has 1400 hp! blaze00's Avatar
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    i toggle back and fourth between sights all day and night when i am on watch.
    2011 gt
    2013 wrx sti
    2011 yz450 dirt scooter
    2012 yfz450 wuad

  7. #7
    Formerly 2011 GB/CS & CST 03 03 OW SVT's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Summer time.....Lord knows we don't get to many sunny days so we take advantage of it when we can.

    I am on alot with my iphone
    17 Ram 1500 Big Horn Hemi
    16 Comp O GT Performance Pack
    03 Oxford white Cobra (Gone but not forgotten)

  8. #8
    Tripedalist yeahloh95's Avatar
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    Everett, Pa
    i'm here as much as i can be lol
    95 gt 11.3 @ 126
    68 f100 SB soon to be coyote powered
    12 GT 6m cobra jet powered 11.4 @124
    90 lx supercharged 440 rwhp on 8 lbs
    17 f150 crew cab coyote powered


  9. #9
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    Actually, yesterday was one of the highest user counts we have had in a while. 237 unique users signed on yesterday. Pretty good for summer time.
    that sounds better..
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  10. #10
    Senior Member blizzard's Avatar
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    Castle Shannon
    Quote Originally Posted by RUTHLESS View Post
    As long as the weather is nice I think everyone is out enjoying their cars. Me... I work on computers all day and drop in when I can. lol
    this. 'cept enjoying for me = building

  11. #11
    It's a Bird!! 1Badbird's Avatar
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    Defenately can blame it on the summer. This week's been awsome!! About time!!
    ----Jay----1988 Thunderbird 5.0 AOD

  12. #12
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Aug 2006
    Well, my reason has nothing to do with the nice weather. The last time I was on here (before my B-day thread) was over a month ago. The last thing somebody said to me was: "F*ck you. Go f*ck yourself".

    Now, I know I can really dish it out and I can take it, too. BUT, when somebody tells me to go F*ck myself, my blood curdles, I look their shit up on mapquest and I want to go put a pistol in their face.

    No, I'm not an E-thug. No, I'm not making threats. I just really felt like doing it, so apparently, it was time for me to take a break.

    Then, when all of his douchebag friends backed up his behavior, it made me throw up on my keyboard.

    So, I've had a very pleasant 5-6 weeks without this place. I'll probably not sign in again for ??? months.

    Thanks for the memories, SCS.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  13. #13
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    Well, my reason has nothing to do with the nice weather. The last time I was on here (before my B-day thread) was over a month ago. The last thing somebody said to me was: "F*ck you. Go f*ck yourself".

    Now, I know I can really dish it out and I can take it, too. BUT, when somebody tells me to go F*ck myself, my blood curdles, I look their shit up on mapquest and I want to go put a pistol in their face.

    No, I'm not an E-thug. No, I'm not making threats. I just really felt like doing it, so apparently, it was time for me to take a break.

    Then, when all of his douchebag friends backed up his behavior, it made me throw up on my keyboard.

    Thanks for the memories, SCS.
    I believe "he" was banned for the same stuff with other members.
    So, I've had a very pleasant 5-6 weeks without this place. I'll probably not sign in again for ??? months.
    1 Monte SS. White.

    Banned dates
    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

  14. #14
    Big Daddy gmkillr's Avatar
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    At the racetrack
    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    Now, I know I can really dish it out and I can take it, too. BUT, when somebody tells me to go F*ck myself, my blood curdles, I look their shit up on mapquest and I want to go put a pistol in their face.

    Why do you need a gun?

    Whats wrong with your fists?

    Must be a real *uss* if you need a weapon.....................
    Corvette Z06

    Growing up.............Not everyone does it!

  15. #15
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Mt Pleasant, PA
    NOOO you can't go little buddy, hash browns isn't the same. Just say the word, ill ban the bastids.
    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    Well, my reason has nothing to do with the nice weather. The last time I was on here (before my B-day thread) was over a month ago. The last thing somebody said to me was: "F*ck you. Go f*ck yourself".

    Now, I know I can really dish it out and I can take it, too. BUT, when somebody tells me to go F*ck myself, my blood curdles, I look their shit up on mapquest and I want to go put a pistol in their face.

    No, I'm not an E-thug. No, I'm not making threats. I just really felt like doing it, so apparently, it was time for me to take a break.

    Then, when all of his douchebag friends backed up his behavior, it made me throw up on my keyboard.

    So, I've had a very pleasant 5-6 weeks without this place. I'll probably not sign in again for ??? months.

    Thanks for the memories, SCS.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

    New combo,
    Ported Eaton, upper/lower
    508 Hp 548 TQ SAE on an inferior Dynojet Dyno
    1.43 60 ft. 10.55 @ 130 MPH

    WFC 8 Mod Motor Winner
    06 NMRA Martin, Mi. Mod Muscle Winner

  16. #16
    Senior Member
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    Polar Vortex
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    NOOO you can't go little buddy, hash browns isn't the same. Just say the word, ill ban the bastids.

    I nominate Clark.

  17. #17
    Spoon Killer HidalgoGT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodeheaver's View Post
    Whats up lately, The most people i have seen on this site in the last few weeks/months has benn 10-15 at one time..... The other sites are seeing 50-200 people at once??? whats up?? maybe everyone is using the invisable mode or something?
    Not that anyone misses the dodge guy, but bonfires ,drinkin, taken down a pool, drinkin, putting up a pool, drinking spending money on dodge stuff, working, drinkin, oh did i mention drinking? lol. Eventualy I'll get this thing down to strap on the rollers. Drag comp box should be in next week . Still trying to find a 4 5/8 exhaust flange so i can put my turbo in and my injectors
    2001 Dodge 2500 The Big Bad "D"
    4" exhaust,38"MTZ's,5.5 Fabtech Lift,Cold air intake,Silencer ring MIA,Smarty tuner,Edge Drag comp, 64/71/.80 s300 turbo 175hp injectors.
    321Hp/783Tq New power numbers this spring.
    1987 Dodge 1/2 ton gasser 4x4 "jr"
    Ricers: For those who don't have the balls or skills to drive American Muscle.
    Not cool cause I don't drive a mustang anymore.
    Got Smoke?

  18. #18
    Walking on the wild side! Shadowstealth's Avatar
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    south park
    Quote Originally Posted by Sonic03snake View Post
    NOOO you can't go little buddy, hash browns isn't the same. Just say the word, ill ban the bastids.
    you know what i say!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Shadowstealth; 07-11-2009 at 02:18 PM.
    2003 Cobra w/ very mild mods, Magnaflow catback and cold air intake

    1992 Mustang lx hatch back, cold air intake, underdrive pulleys, offroad h pipe, mac muffs with dumps.

    1988 Toyota pickup w/ 4inch suspension lift on BFG 33's Stainless steel header and full exhaust

    2005 Honda Trx 450R w/ protaper bars and grips, nerf bars and under body armor. ~for sale~

  19. #19
    Spoon Killer HidalgoGT's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Now that is one painful picture....OUCH!!!
    2001 Dodge 2500 The Big Bad "D"
    4" exhaust,38"MTZ's,5.5 Fabtech Lift,Cold air intake,Silencer ring MIA,Smarty tuner,Edge Drag comp, 64/71/.80 s300 turbo 175hp injectors.
    321Hp/783Tq New power numbers this spring.
    1987 Dodge 1/2 ton gasser 4x4 "jr"
    Ricers: For those who don't have the balls or skills to drive American Muscle.
    Not cool cause I don't drive a mustang anymore.
    Got Smoke?

  20. #20
    Everything I have is slow 2001GTTT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    I nominate Clark.

    Watch out, im lookin your s**t up on mapquest!

    2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee
    1931 Ford Model A - Project
    1991 BMW 325iX
    1978 Ford F150
    1952 Ford F2 - Project
    2001 Mustang GT - gone but never forgotten. RIP.

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