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Thread: Fun in the parking lot

  1. #1
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    Cool Fun in the parking lot

    So with all the snow and ice out in the parking lots I had to teach my 15 year old brother the finer points of driving:D While I was in the middle of explaining to him a few little pointers a black ss flew into the parking lot with us and took a few turns and then left. I let him play a little, and he loved it! I couldn't let him play for to long though, there were too many cars driving through. Can't wait until he gets his license!

    What are some of your early experiences? I want to get him started right!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    spinning donuts like crazy in jeep grand cherokee back in like 2000 was my first experience.

  3. #3
    Wrench Wench & GeekGrrl stanggrrl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axles of evil View Post
    spinning donuts like crazy in jeep grand cherokee back in like 2000 was my first experience.
    Sounds like more fun than hitting black ice on my way to school and doing a 360 spin on a 4 lane. Luckily there wasn't much traffic and hitting the curb/sidewalk prevented me from plowing into a house. Better still, there was no concrete barrier dividing the highway...

    Then there was driving home from school in a blizzard. I had to stop 2x to brush the snow off the car. The amazing part was navigating the snow covered roads, including a couple of steep hills. (This was in a front-wheel drive.)

    My driving test was 2 days after a major snow storm. The road test was on icey roads and I was lucky to get above 20mph. Then I had to parallel park in between 2 banks. Pretty wild, but I passed on my 1st try.

    Just for the record, I hate winter and I hate driving in the winter crap. :)


  4. #4
    Modular Ford Performance Wolfpack Speed's Avatar
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    i got nailed on christmas trashing the local church compound in my buddy's old CJ. only problem was i was like 14, when the cop asked for my liscense...i told him i was studying for my permit i totally forgot the magistrate lived right accross the street fortunately for us my buddy's sister was getting it on with one of the local cops that night and they heard our names come over the scanner. needless to say mommy was still pissed i got brought home by the cops on christmas, we were at the ground round eating wings

    Wolfpack Speed, Inc.
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  5. #5
    ..::Dangerous Beauty::.. One Sweet Day's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axles of evil View Post
    spinning donuts like crazy in jeep grand cherokee back in like 2000 was my first experience.

    2000? How old (young) are you? lol

  6. #6
    I like hair dryers Twin01cobra's Avatar
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    I used to do donuts in any parking lot I could when I was younger, heck I still do it now, yesterday I did a couple in my fullsize van in Monroeville industrial park. That's the one thing I have in common with the cops, just can't pass up a donut
    "No man is entitled to the blessings of freedom unless he be vigilant in it's preservation"

    General Douglas McArthur

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by One Sweet Day View Post
    2000? How old (young) are you? lol
    just turned 23. and from NJ. permit at 16 license at 17.

  8. #8
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    I'm 4uckin 35 and...

    Wifey and I just went to dinner earlier tonight. Well, on the way out, I noticed a snow-covered parking area and I had to hammer down and WTF? I'm driving a FWD vehicle, so I put it in 4WD (Ford Escape) and it wasn't much better. 4uck the work vehicles. I haven't personally OWNED a FWD vehicle since 1993. They are not fun.

  9. #9
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    Wifey and I just went to dinner earlier tonight. Well, on the way out, I noticed a snow-covered parking area and I had to hammer down and WTF? I'm driving a FWD vehicle, so I put it in 4WD (Ford Escape) and it wasn't much better. 4uck the work vehicles. I haven't personally OWNED a FWD vehicle since 1993. They are not fun.
    I had a 91 turbo laser fwd, it did crazy dougnuts reverse
    I did 1 tonite with the tracker at u-town mall takin wife out and mall security followed me out to rt40

  10. #10
    Hangin' with my toddler. Silverhatch's Avatar
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    On my way home from Pittsburgh yesterday for the second time in an hour (forgot my car keys at work), guy that I work with was driving us back. He decided to do some donuts in the church lot next to his house. It was fun until the truck slid across the lot, started over an embankment, then the front wheels grabbed on the curb, stopping the truck. Needless to say we had to get his dad to tow us out. We all had a laugh poundin' some cold ones after .

  11. #11
    Formerly 2011 GB/CS & CST 03 03 OW SVT's Avatar
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    I do them when-ever and where-ever possible. I also do them in my wife's all wheel drive Legacy GT. 4 wheel power slide
    17 Ram 1500 Big Horn Hemi
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    03 Oxford white Cobra (Gone but not forgotten)

  12. #12
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    My first car I recieved from my deceased grandma - 1988 Licoln towncar. Heavy as a mofo, RWD, small wheels, all weight up front with the enormous but ineffecient 5.0 . Could donut in a perfect circle on demand on snow, gravel, or asphalt. It was an absolute blast to blow around in the snow but truely a dangerous car for me to be driving in bad weather when I was 16. Most of the time in the winter the spins were not intentional and I ended up hitting a lot of crap, plowed a street sign over driving to school one day and completely demolished it without so much as a scratch on my bumper... it was a real tank.

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