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Thread: distributor bolt stuck?

  1. #1

    distributor bolt stuck?

    ok so i was going to attempt to acclerate my timing and could not get the bolt lose from the bottom of the distributor .... i tried using pb blast to no avail... is there a special tool and does any one here own it that might be willing to help me?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    I use a swivel socket on a long extension..
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  3. #3
    Senior Member White5.0's Avatar
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    go to the gym... j/k

    try a longer handle on the drive you are using for some more torque and try tapping the drive with a hammer to break it loose.

    and in all seriousness, make sure you are actually loosening it and not tightening it lol
    2013 Mustang GT
    1987 Mustang GT
    1999 Contour SVT

  4. #4
    i did use a swivel head into a socket with about an eight inch extension to no avail... the bolt seems to be a bit on the small side(the head isnt that thick) when i did try to take it off the socket kept on popping off. see, there isnt much room in there to actually get the swivel head on to make it all the way around. so then i sprayed some pb blast on it to try to loosen it up( little bit of rust around it)... any more ideas?

  5. #5
    oh and righty tighty lefty loosey on this bolt right?

  6. #6
    EVERYTHING'S FOR SALE 92306gt's Avatar
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    try a 1/2 inch wrench?

  7. #7
    not long enough to get any type of hand grip on it i tried snake one in under my belt / between my hoses and still nothing...

  8. #8
    Senior Member White5.0's Avatar
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    use a 1/2 inch socket for it, dont be using metric or you might strip the bolt.
    2013 Mustang GT
    1987 Mustang GT
    1999 Contour SVT

  9. #9
    it was a half inch socket with a swivel head into about an eight inch ext then the ratchet it just wants to jump off the bolt , i cant seem to get enough down pressure on it to hold the socket down, then it also wants to catch on the distributor in certain spots of the swivel so that makes it tough too...

  10. #10
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Go to your local tool store and ask for a distributor wrench.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
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  11. #11
    awesome thanks alot!!! any idea on a price?

  12. #12
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firsttime5.0 View Post
    awesome thanks alot!!! any idea on a price?
    Should be under 20.00 if I remember right.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

    New combo,
    Ported Eaton, upper/lower
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