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Thread: my 95 gt

  1. #1

    my 95 gt

    [ame=""]SANY0107.jpg picture by pittsburghstillers - Photobucket[/ame]

  2. #2
    there is some other pics ranging from he birth of my son
    (no not the actual birth) lol, some deer in back yard last night and many others if any of yall care to look

  3. #3
    The "IMG" code is what you paste directly into a forum post for the pic to appear:

    Congrats on the bambino!
    Sponsored by
    Wholesale Transmission - New Kensington
    Millerstown Pic A Part

  4. #4
    oh thanks for the help!!! yeah the pics of my son are actually from last year, he will be one in august. man does time fly!!!

  5. #5
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    the early sn95s are my fav body style of all time

  6. #6
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    My buddy has a yellow over black 95. He's not really a car guy and got it from a guy who owed him some money. He's thinking of selling it and I'm liking it more and more every time I see it.
    I've driven it a few times and it has a different feel than my Fox.

    I WANT IT !!.........but my wife is having none of it.

  7. #7
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by frankstang View Post
    My buddy has a yellow over black 95. He's not really a car guy and got it from a guy who owed him some money. He's thinking of selling it and I'm liking it more and more every time I see it.
    I've driven it a few times and it has a different feel than my Fox.

    I WANT IT !!.........but my wife is having none of it.
    details on this car?

  8. #8
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    details on this car?
    100 % stock except the previous owner painted parts of the interior yellow and changed the tail lights to some ugly aftermarket ones. Oh, and maybe a shifter, but it might be just a knob.

    I've only seen the car about 5 times at work. From everything I saw under the hood and underneath, it was stock.

  9. #9
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    Here's a couple pics of his and mine.

  10. #10
    i have always loved the foxes myself but as i said i got this for a good deal .... lol well atleast its a stang... it is definately growing on me more each day... dont get me wrong i dont hate it but i always had hopes of building a fox....

  11. #11
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    Hey firsttime5.0, I didn't mean to hijack your thread.

    Look at it this way. You have some of the things the Fox should have had like 4 wheel discs, 5 lugs, etc..
    Enjoy what you have. It's a great car for your first build.

  12. #12
    np frank! yeah i guess the four wheel disc isnt bad...., just means i gotta spend more when im changing my brakes wouldnt mind upgrading to crossdrilled and slotted with some brembos eventually

  13. #13
    It's a Bird!! 1Badbird's Avatar
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    Masontown, Pa.
    Nice Stang and congrats on the little one, they do grow fast!
    ----Jay----1988 Thunderbird 5.0 AOD


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