I had a surging idle with my 95 car. What a PITA. I replaced the TB with a BBK from Summit and the issues have gone away. Tried a Professional Products before that (not by choice, it was branded as Summit's own) and the car ran like absolute crap and the TB stuck too. Returned that one for the BBK and no issues since. Pretty easy to set up the BBK... it had a big old brass screw to set the base idle and then they had me turn the threaded rod stop 1/2 turn from there and lock it down. Car runs well now, idles properly and does not stall. Of course when you change the TB you must set the TPS at .99 volts and all of that stuff. Maybe I just got lucky and that did the trick who knows. Get a good digital volt meter and set the TPS at .99 volts. Not saying that it is the culprit but it cannot hurt the throttle response either.