They don't feel there's a big market in photography either. She is interested elementary ed. so hopefully there'll be something out there for her.
I was one of the kids that didn't have a clue what I wanted to do, but instead of trying college I thought as long as I got a job I'd be okay. Big mistake! That's why I'm so glad she has a plan. I want her to do good for herself not having to scronge for everything like I have.
Unfortunately math isn't one of her strong points. I guess she took after me in that area, I was terrable with it. For me numbers just don't stick, example, I've had the same cell phone number for at least 5 or 6 years, I can't remember it to save my life. Maybe it's because I don't call myself but I was the same way in school, I couldn't get the multiplication table to stick and it was down hill from there.
I get her on the weekends so I'll have her at least check out the links you sent. Thanks for putting those up.