Alright, it's about 515 and I'm heading down lebanon church road in WEst mifflin right by the county air port heading towards 885. Im in the fast lane, doing the speed limit because of traffic. This lady barrels over into the fast lane, cuts me off, and then SLAMMED her brakes on. By the time I saw the brake lights and ass end of the XL7 raise up, I immediately slammed my brakes on, and ripped the ebrake to its fullest. of course, I was super close from not hitting her, but I did. After having my car painted just a few months ago, I FREAKED OUT. the hood was a bit popped up, I believe the latch is a bit bent. Other than that, there are just scratches all throughout the front of the dumper and black scuffs. I didnt know it was a lady at first, or I wouldnt have been so shrude at first.. But I screamed out the window " wtf?!!! pull that piece of shit over!!!" And then she stuck her head out and said Right down here. I thought, this persons lucky to be a woman, because I would have beat the living hell out of someone. I just washed it about an hour previous to this too, wtf?..many Women drivers suck..some senseless broad trying to get home from work in a hurry...and I notice they all tend to hit the brakes later than they i the only one who sees this or?!