I'd like a few opinions on these few pictures..My girlfriends getting her first tattoo on her hip area... I took a few things out of each one for her, she wants 8 stars(8 black and 8 white)..I changed a few little things up..Eventually shes going to get her grandmothers initials right below the right hand side of the blossom, but not in the first session of the tattoo. can't wait to watch her get it done, I'll post some pics up afterwards lol.
First picture is the original picture drawn up(below)
Heres one without any black stars incorporated in the picture.
This is the second one i played with, took a few stars out but still the same design.
This is the one she wants to go with..her birthday is on the 8th of Feb, and her grandmother passed away 8 days after her birth date. Pretty sentimental if you ask me..(different placement of the black stars)
What do you guys think is the best one of them all? I know they're kind of "fairy-ish", but its a chicks tattoo lol...My photoshopping skills aren't the best but I did what I could, new at the photoshop cs3 edition so its different than the ones ive actually used.. Honest opinions would be great, thanks everyone!!