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Thread: Lets discus the future of this site.

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  1. #1
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Exclamation Lets discus the future of this site.

    Im looking to hear everyones opinions are on what needs changed to get the site back to the way it used to be. Im personally discusted with the way it is currently but im tired of being the jack off for banning people or deleting their stuff. This thread is not meant to be a bashing fest for anyone and any BS will be deleted. Please, no personal attacks.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
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  2. #2
    Well, not to be a dick Lou, I know we've had our little "differences" but I'm over that b/s. I'm sure theres a few on here who don't care for me, and if thats whats been goin on fine..whoever wants to mention my name, go right ahead.
    94 Ford Ranger
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  3. #3
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    Its out of control, not sure what you could do Lou.

  4. #4


    Lou, im not sure whats going on, But try putting a sticky one more time....1st offense is warning 2nd YOUR GONE!!!!!!!!! Simple enuff i think, and if it dont work like that, shut er down!!!!!! Hate to say it because i enjoy this site as do so many others
    JUNK IT!

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by How Much? View Post
    Lou, im not sure whats going on, But try putting a sticky one more time....1st offense is warning 2nd YOUR GONE!!!!!!!!! Simple enuff i think, and if it dont work like that, shut er down!!!!!! Hate to say it because i enjoy this site as do so many others
    I enjoy this site too, i've learned a lotta information from this site and there are some real good people on this not gonna' say i havent had my share of b/s but, i'd really love examples of what everyones talking about(the b/s going on, this, that)
    94 Ford Ranger
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    2002 Ford Mustang GT - 13.96 @ 98.8 (sold)

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by pRojekt02GT View Post
    I enjoy this site too, i've learned a lotta information from this site and there are some real good people on this not gonna' say i havent had my share of b/s but, i'd really love examples of what everyones talking about(the b/s going on, this, that)
    Yea, im not tryin to stir the sh@t pot...but there must be some pretty bad stuff going on in order for Lou to even have this discusion
    JUNK IT!

  7. #7
    SCS Founder Sonic03snake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pRojekt02GT View Post
    Well, not to be a dick Lou, I know we've had our little "differences" but I'm over that b/s. I'm sure theres a few on here who don't care for me, and if thats whats been goin on fine..whoever wants to mention my name, go right ahead.
    Just deleted your drama from the dog name thread. Thanks for posting the shit out of this thread and getting no clue.
    Best non ported stock pullied eaton pass
    1.50 60ft 11.160@ 125.08

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  8. #8
    far from a newb!!! INSANELY CRAZY's Avatar
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    screw 1st and second or third offenses... sticky yes... put in there that the first time you mess up your gone!!! if they get mad so what, that leaves the rest of us who enjoy chatting on here to not have to read b/s threads.

    i dont think your ever gonna get rid of the b/s on here since the site continues to grow.
    ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt

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  9. #9
    It's a Bird!! 1Badbird's Avatar
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    I don't know if it would help or not but how about a 30 probation period for new people? If they don't play well with everyone (so to say) and the start causing problems then they're gone. No questions asked. Just a thought.

    I've noticed myself things are getting pretty rough on some of the treads.
    ----Jay----1988 Thunderbird 5.0 AOD

  10. #10
    Your mom cwh19's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1Badbird View Post
    I don't know if it would help or not but how about a 30 probation period for new people? If they don't play well with everyone (so to say) and the start causing problems then they're gone. No questions asked. Just a thought.

    This is an AWESOME idea. Except like 45 or 60 days might be better. If issues come about from what they have posted, ban them.
    The best former Rodeheaver's Hot Rod employee ever.

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    Ok well, its obvious that the guilty folks are trying to avoid this thread.... so i'll be the first to step up and apologize....

    I try to bring a lot of experience to the site, as i have made a lot of mistakes and learned the hard way from them.... I post in the technical threads only if i have some sort of insight on the problem that the user is having... and my biggest pet-peeve is people posting in the classifieds, so i absolutely refuse to post "good luck!" messages in every single For Sale thread...

    also, i try to bring a little bit of unbias opinion ... but unfortunately, because of what I have listed in my sig, people always take things the wrong way, and get their britches in a bunch.... If I didn't have a liking/respect for Mustangs, i wouldn't be here.... For some time this spring/summer, I had quit posting for the most part, and just read over all of the threads... However, with the recent attraction of certain new members, I found it very difficult to deal with their attitudes and wasn't able to keep my trap shut.... So I will take my part of this situation on the shoulders and make the proper changes.... I have lots more to say, but gotta head out the door to work... I'll check in later

    there's always going to be some disagreement on some scale with almost every topic... however, the problem is people that can't carry on an "argument" without making it personal.... i hope that those of us that can debate things without getting all jacked off aren't TOO much of the problem (although, i'm sure we're part of why this thread was made, or i wouldn't have posted)... an example is MBH and I - we've disagreed with lots of things over the last year or so, but always kept our debates clean ...
    Bish, I think that a great degree of what you said is true. If you put a picture of a cobra in your sig, people would take a lot of what you said and put it in a different light. Unfortunately, that's not necessarily fair to you, and it does an injustice to a lot of the insightful comments that you have shared with us here.

    I personally don't think you're a problem here, I actually look forward to reading what you have to say because I know that you normally have a pretty well formed and relatively unbiased opinion that is constructive, rather than destructive. That's how I see it though. I think it sucks because you get slapped with the "oh that asshole hates mustangs, so I'm going to disagree with him on everything" tag. And that always seems to bite you in the ass on here. I'm not saying everything you post is right. But in my opinion, the majority of what you post has some truth to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by John4cam View Post
    C'mon, you can't be serious.
    +3. I find it pretty disappointing that for a guy that came onto this site and disrupted it's dynamic as much as he has, that's all he had to say. The main reason for this thread seems to be because of the Offtopic BS thread, the threads about you (that one that got locked after Carlisle), the threads involving you/friends (Latrobe thread), the Jper '****in mustangs' thread, the Troll '****in civics' thread, and all of the animosities that have developed between the members since then. Hell even the Who's rollin with us to Carlisle thread blew up.

    Maybe Lou should lock the current offtopic BS thread and start a new one with the rules he wants us to abide by posted as the first post.

    Quote Originally Posted by mr4teth View Post
    I think every "car" forum has this same issue some to a higher degree than others.

    Lou, if you or the moderators start to see a decline in quality discussion or personal attacks why not place a banner as such on specific threads to remind people of the rules? Obviously our message would be a little different. This was adopted by another forum I visit and seams to be working so far.

    I sure hope you get things back to the way you want them because I really enjoy this site and have met some awesome people here!
    I think that isn't a bad idea to do so if a thread looks like its getting out of control, but we also can't ask the moderators to give up all of their free time to be our free time nannies. A lot of this comes down to self control and being able to walk away from stupid petty shit that's been popping up more recently. the "goon" mentality of "I say what I want, to who I want, when I want.... and that's their problem, not mine" that has developed recently has grown rather long in the tooth. And by a lot of us not walking away is what adds the fuel to the fire that would have otherwise burned out.

    A perfect example of what to do wrong are some of the things that I've done:

    I click on the latrobe thread because I have some down time I'm killing, so I read through it, I see that some random guy I don't know is being a real dick to two friends of mine - Ryan and Jeff. So what do I do? I start bombing the thead with derogitory pictures. Part of me thinks that it will either stop the nonsense or redirect it at me (which you guys know I'll probably find some creative ways to handle ). So I do it, because I lacked the self control to simply say "if you guys have a problem with each other, its most likely a misunderstanding, but you should work it out privately rather than publicly so you avoid drawing more people into the arguement"

    All I'm saying is that we're all at varying degrees of fault here. Almost noone who is active on here can really be left out, because the failure to speak up about something can let just as many problems develope as the failure to keep one's mouth shut/always adding their $.02

    Quote Originally Posted by 1Badbird View Post
    I don't know if it would help or not but how about a 30 probation period for new people? If they don't play well with everyone (so to say) and the start causing problems then they're gone. No questions asked. Just a thought.

    I've noticed myself things are getting pretty rough on some of the treads.
    Good idea Jay! That would definitely stop a lot of the recent problems, but I don't know if it would neccesarily solve them. Maybe 30 days from their introduction thread would be a better way to do it... and if they are starting shit and haven't even bothered to make an intro thread to let us try to get to know em... wellllll... I'm all for Lou flexing the ban stick in that scenario.

    I know second hand that SVTPerformance uses an infractions system. I think that at one point that site was outta control (even for it's 'my dick is bigger than you dick, and I'm going to make sure you know it' standards). I don't visit it often enough to keep up, but it seems like things have turned around. Yeah a douchemonger pops up every now and again, but since its a big forum with very little personal interaction **the interaction aspect is very important to note, as I know how we all stick up for our friends on this site** so those guys generally get run off the site by getting bashed or banned relatively quickly.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    i must have missed something.... could someone fill me in...
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  13. #13
    Senior Member White5.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodeheaver's View Post
    i must have missed something.... could someone fill me in...

    if no one minds me asking, what exactly is going on? of course there is some bickering going on every once and a while but i havent noticed anything crazy? on a side note though, i dont read every single thread every time im on. i just go into ones that seem interesting to me...
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  14. #14
    Senior Member pop's stang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodeheaver's View Post
    i must have missed something.... could someone fill me in...
    "If speed wasn't important, it wouldn't be called the human race!"

  15. #15
    Senior Member lib88stang's Avatar
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    correct me if I'm wrong but maybe all the nonsence in the BS thread and Latrobe thread and other places as well.

  16. #16
    boats n hoes fork5o's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rodeheaver's View Post
    i must have missed something.... could someone fill me in...
    haha, e-thugs

    remember the site before it crashed??

    im around a lot on here but dont comment too much. try to be helpful, look for answers to my questions and praise others on their beautiful rides. the core of the site is great and couldn't be more helpful.

    if we had a vote, Id say if they jag around, ban em. it's clearly posted that youre not lookin for any childish b.s. so screw em. they dont wanna listen to you, you dont have to put up with them. i think its a fair deal.

    i hate seeing these threads keep coming up. this is an awesome local site and i hate to see this crap. send em on their way and let em cry somewhere else.
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  17. #17
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    What I have seen is its always the same jackoffs that start shit in peoples threads. Never fails. You post something up, well, you know who is going to come on in and start. This is the reason I started the BS section. There was extremely loosely moderation in there. Anything flew, if you didnt like it get out. But, as we have seen, it only worked for a short time then the trickling started again. You shouldnt have to out stickys up. Screw that. Folks cant read, see ya!!!!!!!!! I have resisted temptation SSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many times to say something in a sale ad. You also get the same folks posting in those too. Its always the good old "you must put a price..." thats just to get their words in an ad.
    1 Monte SS. White.

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  18. #18
    Going fast with class Slow01GT's Avatar
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    Lou, I have noticed the steady decline of this site over the past few years which is why I don't post much anymore. There is far too much drama and immature fighting these days, and it always seems to be coming from the same members. I agree with one of the above posts that new members should have a probation period. I also agree with the one and done approach to personal attacks and personal bs. I have met some cool people because of this board in the almost 5 years I have been a member and I hate to see it the way it is now. Lets just stop the bullshit and enjoy our cars.
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  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Slow01GT View Post
    Lou, I have noticed the steady decline of this site over the past few years which is why I don't post much anymore. There is far too much drama and immature fighting these days, and it always seems to be coming from the same members. I agree with one of the above posts that new members should have a probation period. I also agree with the one and done approach to personal attacks and personal bs. I have met some cool people because of this board in the almost 5 years I have been a member and I hate to see it the way it is now. Lets just stop the bullshit and enjoy our cars.
    JUNK IT!

  20. #20
    Senior Member wick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slow01GT View Post
    Lou, I have noticed the steady decline of this site over the past few years which is why I don't post much anymore. There is far too much drama and immature fighting these days, and it always seems to be coming from the same members. I agree with one of the above posts that new members should have a probation period. I also agree with the one and done approach to personal attacks and personal bs. I have met some cool people because of this board in the almost 5 years I have been a member and I hate to see it the way it is now. Lets just stop the bullshit and enjoy our cars.
    I dissagree with this. If there is something you want to argue about, go to the BS section. If you dont want to read it, dont. This is not rocket science. Nobody is twisting your arm to read the "drama". You just cant resist temptation. HAHAHAH
    1 Monte SS. White.

    Banned dates
    There are more but that's all that was logged!!!

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