The crowd. The spectacle. The pall of blue smoke and roasted clutch discs. In all motorsport, no event captures the universal human need to whale on old crapcans and hoover down greasy barbecue like the 24 Hours of LeMons.
Each LeMons race is for cars purchased, fixed up, and track-prepped for a total of 500 dollars or less. But before reaching the grid, you'll have to survive trials like the Personal-Injury-Lawyer Anti-Slalom, the Marxist-Valet Parking Challenge, and the Wide Open Throttle Rodthrowapalooza. Twelve hours into the race, the car voted People’s Choice is called in and awarded a cash prize; simultaneously, the car voted People’s Curse is called in and summarily destroyed. At the end of 24 hours, a gala awards ceremony plies the survivors with trophies, plaques, and four-figure purses in canvas bags full of nickels. What's not to like?
Is this making anyone else excited? The only downside is the closest races for 2009 (which the deadline is almost here) is in SC and New England.
But there's always next year! Is anyone else interested in being one of the 4-6 drivers to abuse a lemon fox mustang at this two day event? I have no doubt in my mind that for $500 a fox can be made into a stout competitor. Sell off parts that are gutted out, rebuild and port the motor... There's no limit on cash spent on safety/tires...
Oh man, what fun this could be!