I spent the day installing my raptor shift light and most of my wideband (sill need to install the o2 sensor). About the time I was finishing up I hear car rumble from the bottom of the driveway and CCoyle pulls in with his brand new GT/CS. Man that car is sweet!! I looked the car over from top to bottom and then we went for a spin. Those new GT move out even in factor stock form! After the ride I asked him if he wanted to go for a ride in the Cobra because I never took him for a ride in it yet and I have been in everyone of his vehicals. We hopped in and were greeted by a feed me light so I headed up to the gas station at the top of the hill. I left the car running to warm it up and filled the tank up. It was rubbling a way and everything sounded great. (I love the sound of that KB and Bassani) We left and I nailed it a bit but had ZERO traction so I backed out of it. The thought crossed my mind to turn around but I wanted to do a pull with some traction. We were cruising in fourth so I dropped it to third and nailed it. It hooked up better this time, it danced a little and then started to hook. As soon as the tach hit 6k I glanced at the shift light to see if it worked and it blinked red. Then it happened!! At the same time I took my eyes off the road I head a pop and the scattering of parts under the car. We both thought I ran over something because the noise left as soon as I pushed the clutch in. So I let the clutch back out and head smacking and banging under the hood and was soon greeted with a battery light but every thing else looked good. OH SHIT!! The car was still running and everything was smooth so I pulled into the next spot I could find and popped the hood and jumped out of the car. I was greeted with a half shredded belt and ran back to turn the car off. I scratched my head for a sec and noticed that the belt was not entirely broke but it was now a bit narrower and for some reason it had a butt load of slack in it. What the hell!! After taking a look I saw the problem and couldn't believe my eyes...One of my new Metco idlers was gone. It just up and said, SEE you guys later.
So I learned a few things today.
1. Cars don’t always let you know when things are about to hit the fan. (Car was silent at the gas station)
2. My shift light works!!
3. Cobras with no boost suck.
4. Idlers can just vanish! I thing aliens took it.
5. Locktight everything even if you had a bitch of a time getting the last part out.Then bitch when you cant get that part out later. (I had to grind the head off the hex bolt to get the blown Reichard racing idler out because it stripped on me.
So Chris...I was a bit pissed at the time. How did the car feel before that little issue. lol