so i drove 4 hours each way to pick up my g/f an 01 explorer sport trac a few weeks ago. since ive been working alot lately i told her to take it to walmart to get the oil changed. she takes it up there and they told her they couldnt change it because the drain plug was too tight. so about two weeks go by and and she said it started smoking and missing real bad. i got home from work and lifted the hood and what do i see...the damn oil cap laying on the rad support and the entire engine bay covered in oil. took out the dipstick and not a drop on it. at this point im furious because this isnt the first time something like this happened when the tards at walmart touched my shit. the last time i had an oil change there, there was oil pouring from the filter because they didnt tighten the damn thing. so we called up there and talked to a manager and told her what happened. the manager herself and an employee cam out friday to take pics and info and said their insurance co will be in contact with us. everyone ive talked to said they are not gonna pay but they seem to be coperating so far. anyone have any input or experiance on this?