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Thread: Charging system help!

  1. #1

    Charging system help!

    So today my volt meter was dropping a little bit while sitting in traffic. I didnt notice it at first until it started to get really low. I had only my fog lights and running lights on at the time. So I shut them off, and started moving again, little bit of gas and it went right back to normal. The battery isn't even but maybe 5-6 months old..I have only a 200 watt amp and a 10inch sub in the back..disconnected it hoping that might have been my cause, but seems to not be..I'm leaning towards the alternator but not 100% sure thats what it is..any ideas anyone? thanks!!

    94 Ford Ranger
    01 KX125
    2002 Ford Mustang GT - 13.96 @ 98.8 (sold)

  2. #2
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    the best thing to do is have a shop with a tester or a place like advanced auto test the alt to make sure it is charging at XXXX rpm.. it could have a bad diode.
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  3. #3
    I'm wondering if it could be the summit UDP's i put on a while back..tested the battery its at 12.4-12.7 volts. gonna try swapping off the alt. pulley see if that helps at all.
    94 Ford Ranger
    01 KX125
    2002 Ford Mustang GT - 13.96 @ 98.8 (sold)

  4. #4
    goin to change it out now..anyone know the tq specs on the alt. pulley bolt?..
    94 Ford Ranger
    01 KX125
    2002 Ford Mustang GT - 13.96 @ 98.8 (sold)

  5. #5
    Member torqueboxer's Avatar
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    white oak, pa
    anything under 13.5 at idle and you got an issue put your volt meter on the battery and give it some throttle while under there if it goes from 12.3-12.7 then its probably the pulleys if it dont go up at 1000-1200rpm then suspect the alt or batt, if its at 13.5-14.5 at idle put the lights on if the volts go down to the 12's you probably have a poop alternator.
    New combo going in 410w, tea225 high ports solid roller, novi2000, glens fuel system, pa
    Supercomp c4, some other things, hoping to run 10's...update 10.50@120 on 8 burned pistons...hoping to run 9's no cage in sight

  6. #6
    Alright since it was a descent day today and im off, I decided to mess with this..

    Got the car jump started, pulled it outta the garage and let it run for about 20 minutes or so. Battery level was fine once I had it started and sitting for a few minutes. I get in the car a few minutes later, and the volt meter was way low, and I pressed the brakes to put it in Drive, and it shut off. I have a video I will post later on of what its doing. But it seems every time I put it in gear and have the brakes on the volt meter drops.

    Also something I didnt know effected anything or not..When I get it jumped, and put the cables to the battery, and turn my key, the gauges are all resetting. Sometimes even when I wasnt trying to jump it, just regularly start it..

    i'm going to replace the alternator soon, and see if that fixes this...
    94 Ford Ranger
    01 KX125
    2002 Ford Mustang GT - 13.96 @ 98.8 (sold)

  7. #7
    Senior Member no1sirbutler's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    if the guages are resetting from just a regular start w/o jumping the car then it sounds like the battery has a bad cell. go to advanced or autozone and have them put there tester on the car and diagnose it for you.

    But only if I let Kenne scream at ya. LOL

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sirbutler View Post
    if the guages are resetting from just a regular start w/o jumping the car then it sounds like the battery has a bad cell. go to advanced or autozone and have them put there tester on the car and diagnose it for you.
    I went down to my old work about two weeks ago, and threw the tester on the battery. It was at 12.7v.

    the battery isn't that old..its the second one I've went through since this started to begin.

    does anyone know what amp(200, 160, 130, ect.)alternator is suitable for the car?
    94 Ford Ranger
    01 KX125
    2002 Ford Mustang GT - 13.96 @ 98.8 (sold)

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