hahaha... went into work this morning with all that ice...5am was there, then power went out at 9am,we stood round till 11, then got sent home with full days pay...
hahaha... went into work this morning with all that ice...5am was there, then power went out at 9am,we stood round till 11, then got sent home with full days pay...
ridin fast,hittin da hills,throwin some dirt
2003 polaris predator 500
(wanna ride,just pm me!!!)
I had to stay late last night and be back early today....meaning a 14 hour shift last night and who knows how long tonight! Sucks! I guess thats what I get for working at a 24 hour lab!
so far did more work here at home since 11:30 than I have at work in about 4 weeks.
2019 Colorado ZR2
They sent us home at 1:30 yesterday and closed the Monroeville office as well as Findlay and Brecksville OH. Not sure what other areas were affected.
Roads are still bad here, so who knows about tomorrow.
I didnt go to work at all today.. I got a call from my boss around 6:30 thismorning and he said to not even chance it. fine by me !
- mike
- 93 Mustang Cobra
(bolt ons) sold :(
- 04 SVT Focus (intake/udp/off road pipe)
- 89 Probe GT (mbc @15psi, chip, 2.5'' catback)
Same here. I went in for the coffee. HAHA Mounted my quad tires and played in the snow for a while.
1 Monte SS. White.
Banned dates
There are more but that's all that was logged!!!