Are There Any The Length Of The Spline Shaft That Go's Thru Clutch/pressure Plate I Am Having A Heck Of A Time Getting It To Seat?
Are There Any The Length Of The Spline Shaft That Go's Thru Clutch/pressure Plate I Am Having A Heck Of A Time Getting It To Seat?
There are differences between the V8 T5 - 4 Cyl. T5 - 94-95 T5.
Depending on what you are trying to put it into, you may have the wrong tranny.
Thanks, Suppose To Have Been For My 88gt But Using It In My 85 Gt
An '88 WC T5 should bolt right up to an '85 GT.
Your clutch might not be aligned perfectly. When your pushing the trans in, have a friend push the clutch in. It will free the disc up and allow you to slide it together.
1 Monte SS. White.
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There are more but that's all that was logged!!!
If you are crossing a V-8 and a 4cylinder the pilot bearings in the crankshafts are different but I can't remember witch is bigger. That would do it. try compairing them to each other.
i had a hard time getting my tranny in the last inch so i ended up drawing it in evenly with the bolts. plus i checked my pilot bearing on my input shaft b4 i put it in the back of my crank. u really shouldnt do that but it went pretty easily so i wasnt too concerned on anything goin wrong.