I'm chasing this new set-up in the Capri a little, and looking for some baseline settings from anyone. My stuff is way different than most, so there might not be a lot of cross over, but lets hope ;) I leave at 5200 rpm off the two step at 10 pis boost, so it hits pretty hard on the sidestep. 60' timers have all been in the 1.7 or higher range on all tubular arms, and such.

I have Hoosier Quick time Pro's, 26/9.50/16. I think I've mostly been chasin "new" tires rto this point as they seem to have gotten better, but I had been blowing them away. Right now, I'm running them at 10 psi in them, but they might be too low.

Here is the attitude of the car stagged.......


On that pass, the car got REAL loose in third gear. I didnt see any pictures until I got home tonight, but this is what wifey managed to catch....


Now, it sure looks to me like the left rear was way too low, causing the loose situation. I am positive both were at 10psi going out, and they were at 11.5 after the pass. Now, after this pass, I put the airbag in the right rear to 5 psi (it was at zero). Wifey didnt catch it early in the run, but it did feel a lot better (but also in the right lane). A downtrack picture.......


It sure looks better in that picture, but its also way further down track. so my questions, what does everyone think for pressure in the QTP's and where is a good starting point for the air bag?

I will keep tuning on these, but it just seems I've started a bit out of the center here, and need to get "back". The problem as you all know, is TnT passes are so darned limited, I just havent got enough to find a baseline. I think the tires are finally settled in now, and could probably go higher in pressure now.

Any input is appreciated.

Bob Myers