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Thread: NEVER buy from TEXAS HOT RODS.

  1. #1

    NEVER buy from TEXAS HOT RODS.

    Hey everyone,
    I just want to take a moment to warn EVERYONE about the most horrible buying experience I've EVER had.

    I'm in need of an upgraded MAF for some upcoming mods to my 2003 SVT Cobra. Loving the SCT x3, I decided to go with a 90mm SCT MAF as well. So like most others, I begin searching for the piece online, and find the best price at a vendor called " Texas Hot Rods" (Hereafter mentioned as THR) All they sell is mustang parts, their site looks very legitimate, and they have great prices.
    So I place my order on 9/04/09, and my total comes to $230.44. I pat myself on the back for finding a good deal on a great part, and go on about my day. After a few days, with no tracking information, I decide to check the online order tracking with the status of my order. The email says " Order Cancelled". The first thing I did was call my bank and see if my debit card was charged. Sure enough, a debit posted in the amount of $230.44. So I email THR, and get a SWIFT reply saying that it was a mix up, the order WASN'T Cancelled, and they would be shipping my part from their warehouse that evening (Friday). No later than monday, they'd call with tracking info. Now feeling that my issue had been resolved, I rested easy and waited for my part to arrive.
    Let's fast forward to the following friday. 5 emails and 27 phone calls (According to the recents on my iphone) later, to be exact. I FINALLY get someone to pick up the phone at THR. The customer service rep, Maria. She explains to me that since the order said cancelled, the guys in their shipping department didn't send out the part, and that she would go back there right that instant and make sure they could ship it that day, if not, she would ship it out the next day, personally. Once again, I feel i've taken the initiative to get the mix up taken care of, and happily go out for the night thinking a tracking number for my shiny new part will arrive the next morning.
    It's the following Tuesday now (9/22/09), and the tally is now up to 7 emails, 59 phone calls ( yeah, you read that right), 2 Voicemails, 0 Tracking numbers, and 1 dispute to get my money back on my debit card.
    All I have to say to the community is for EVERYONE to PLEASE heed my warning about this terrible vendor. There are a NUMBER of horror stories online that I wish i had seen prior to placing my order. Such as these:



    and those are just two of many.

    There are a number of other parts dealers out there that offer great deals when you ask for them, and theyre fast and reliable.

    So before ANY of you think of ordering a part from THR, which I now think stands for " That Hideous Retailer".. try ordering from one of your favorite forum vendors, or someone you know and trust.

    My personal favorites are Lethal Performance (, Rodeheavers ( , and Stage 3 Motorsports. (

    Happy buying to all, and I hope you NEVER have to experience this.

  2. #2
    Formerly 2011 GB/CS & CST 03 03 OW SVT's Avatar
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    Companies like that should just be blown to smithereens(<sp)
    17 Ram 1500 Big Horn Hemi
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  3. #3
    Member torqueboxer's Avatar
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    those are the guys that sell "rolling chassis" in the mustang mags. so they buy a 4cyl car then throw a paint job on it and roll it out the door for 7000 with no fuel system or drivetrain...neat!
    New combo going in 410w, tea225 high ports solid roller, novi2000, glens fuel system, pa
    Supercomp c4, some other things, hoping to run 10's...update 10.50@120 on 8 burned pistons...hoping to run 9's no cage in sight

  4. #4
    l3@l)&#l_#$$ AdamantiumSilvr's Avatar
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    Thats BS n tuff ta hear, more people nowdayz r totally out to mislead and screw over people. And to not have a care or regret in the world bout doin it! Wether its 5 bucks or hundreds, brother, friend or foe. U just gotta think,"what goes around, comes around, in ways you'll never know"!!!
    Steel City Muscle Cars
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Rodeheaver's's Avatar
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    I will have your meter at the shop on friday
    2015 A6 Mustang GT that so far has gone 9.48@147 but still the fastest prochargerd S550 in the world aside from Tim Essick's!

  6. #6
    Bent but not broken. 03SnakePlissken's Avatar
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    Any SCT part you buy at a "discount" is from a shady company. SCT has very firm MAP prices, and any dealer getting caught violating the SCT MAP agreement.... is not an SCT dealer any more. So hint... if you price shop an SCT part and notice everyone is asking the same price to the penny for the most part, and some one or two places is asking less..... the one or two places are about to be banned from SCT as soon as the third party enforcers find it. Yes, I am a dealer for many companies and these MAP agreements are very real.

    There is a difference between a person to person deal standing at your shop counter compared to a website or banner advertising a low ball price. The verbal deal is allowed with many of the MAP (Manufacturer's Absolute Pricing) programs. Any written or advertised price breaking MAP is punishable on the first offense up to and including removing the dealer from the distribution network and canceling the warranties of products distributed by the dealer in violation.

    Nice huh.
    2003 Terminator Vert - Silver Metalic Number 2763 of 5082
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  7. #7
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    That should be SAINT ririck. How did you not curse once in that whole diatribe?

    That's terrible. So, is your cc going to credit you? I had a similar situation a few months ago and my cc company started to give me the business about forwarding proof of phone calls and emails. I sent them a hasty nasty gram, too and got my money back pdq !!! good luck.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    i onlyever dealt with thr once and it wasnt a bad experience... luckily i guess

  9. #9
    Lou Glutz Motors scorpio333's Avatar
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    This is not the first I've heard bad news when it comes to Texas Hot Rods. Not to turn this into a bash bad sites thread but truckaddons, Blue Oval Industries and RPMOutlet are three others that fall in the boycott list.
    Live free or die

  10. #10
    Senior Member frankstang's Avatar
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    As you pointed out in your post, this is not an out of the ordinary occurrence for them. Seems they're problems arise mostly with orders that needs to be shipped.

    I'll certainly steer clear of them.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    That should be SAINT ririck. How did you not curse once in that whole diatribe?

    That's terrible. So, is your cc going to credit you? I had a similar situation a few months ago and my cc company started to give me the business about forwarding proof of phone calls and emails. I sent them a hasty nasty gram, too and got my money back pdq !!! good luck.
    Haha, I can cuss like a sailor when my temper gets riled, but I was trying to be professional and make people realize the way i've handled this whole situation.


  12. #12
    Senior Member no1fordgirl's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear that happened. Thanks for the info/warning.
    United We 'Stang
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  13. #13
    It's a Bird!! 1Badbird's Avatar
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    That really sucks man! I hope you can get things setteled.
    ----Jay----1988 Thunderbird 5.0 AOD

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