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Thread: Motorcycle Talk

  1. #1061
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr4teth
    In regards to my question about your citizenship: I'm trying to understand you as a person. Most American's take a lot of pride in our countries accomplishments and history. Companies like Ford and HD (just 2 examples) are revered as they have long enriched histories with the development of our country. Typically when I encounter people such as yourself who are so anti HD there's a reason and I just trying to connect the dots.
    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    I beg to differ about these two companies and I am not anti-HD. I am pro-motorcycle.

    Ford is not cramming a 221ci V8 L-Head motor rated at 65HP down our throats and telling us that the below image is the "American" way of life. No, the Japs came to this country with small cars in the 60's that were garbage, but they were cheap and had great gas mileage. Guess who copied who there? Yes, Ford still has a few hotrod models, but even they have made major strides in horsepower, efficiencies and they've changed almost yearly to meet the demands of the market. Ford has definitely kept up with the competitive market that the Japs initiated.

    HD has said, this is our bike, we ain't changing it, you'll like it because WE say so and you'll buy it or you're anti-American. Well, that's total BS. Give me something worth the money I make scraping rocks out of this quarry I work in (yes it's AMERICAN MADE stone) and I'll buy it. They should just put their bikes in art galleries.
    OMG I'm am stuck in this vortex of auguring the obvious!

    Troll are you seriously going to argue the fact that Ford Motor Company played a part in the development of our country during the industrial revolution and roaring twenties? I'm hoping you misunderstand my previous post.

    In regard to HD, when my friend and I bought our Glides last February I didn't see anyone holding a gun to our heads or to the other 90 YES 90 deliveries they had that month.

    If you don't like HD or can't afford one there are other options, many of which look very similar to Harley Davidson's but are cheaper! Which leads us back to the original topic ..... maybe we can stay here this time?
    Last edited by mr4teth; 02-18-2011 at 10:14 PM.
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  2. #1062
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mr4teth View Post
    when my friend and I bought our Glides last February I didn't see anyone holding a gun to our heads
    You make a valid point.

    I'm not arguing... it's debating. I won't deny that I asked for this "debate".

    I guess the only point I want to make in all of this is that I don't agree with the tradition, aura, mystique, soul, whatever you want to call it that HD is selling you. A good motorcycle is not what they're selling you. If you bought into the tradition, aura, mystique, soul or whatever, then like you stated above, that is great, even your RIGHT as an American to spend your money however you want. I got it. But, don't tell everybody else that you bought a good motorcycle at a good price, because you didn't.

    I ain't buyin' that part.

    As a postscript, I would also like to add that I may very well buy another HD someday. So, what the hell does that mean?
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  3. #1063
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    You make a valid point.

    I'm not arguing... it's debating. I won't deny that I asked for this "debate".

    I guess the only point I want to make in all of this is that I don't agree with the tradition, aura, mystique, soul, whatever you want to call it that HD is selling you. A good motorcycle is not what they're selling you. If you bought into the tradition, aura, mystique, soul or whatever, then like you stated above, that is great, even your RIGHT as an American to spend your money however you want. I got it. But, don't tell everybody else that you bought a good motorcycle at a good price, because you didn't.

    I ain't buyin' that part.

    As a postscript, I would also like to add that I may very well buy another HD someday. So, what the hell does that mean?
    I won't deny HD has sales people aka marketing experts who sold us/me! But let me be the first to admit I still bought into the fact I'm supporting/buying from an American company who still manufacturers "alot" (clothing excluded) of their products by American workers in America just like I did when I bought my Mustang and F-150 ..... I'll get off my soap box now Thank you! .... you would think I was raised by a union rep!

    Back to the topic of motorcycles and not politics ...
    Last edited by mr4teth; 02-19-2011 at 12:07 AM. Reason: clothing remark!
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
    PICS & Dyno

    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  4. #1064
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    OK OK OK... I agree to disagree. We have livened the place up a bit in the last 4 days and 50+ posts, though. Do you agree with that?

    Let's talk dirtbikes for a while. Look what you can get for only $10,500.

    2019 Colorado ZR2

  5. #1065
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    OK OK OK... I agree to disagree. We have livened the place up a bit in the last 4 days and 50+ posts, though. Do you agree with that?

    Let's talk dirtbikes for a while. Look what you can get for only $10,500.

    I like RM's ....
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
    PICS & Dyno

    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  6. #1066
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    OK OK OK... I agree to disagree. We have livened the place up a bit in the last 4 days and 50+ posts, though. Do you agree with that?
    Yes, but there is one thing I need to clarify before we move on...

    Quote Originally Posted by mr4teth View Post
    In regards to my question about your citizenship: I'm trying to understand you as a person. Most American's take a lot of pride in our countries accomplishments and history. Companies like Ford and HD (just 2 examples) are revered as they have long enriched histories with the development of our country. Typical when I encounter people such as yourself who are so anti HD there's a reason and I just trying to connect the dots.
    I am not anti-HD. As I've said before in the thread, everyone has a reason for what they buy and if you choose to buy one that's your choice.

    Just because I don't buy into the "Japs copy HD" myth doesn't mean that I "hate" HD. Notice how I've tried to keep my posts tied to one topic: The "japs copy HD" myth. Unless responding to another tangent brought up by someone else, I did my best to keep myself on this point and this point alone.

    And just because I don't buy the "japs copy HD" myth doesn't it mean I don't take pride in things America has accomplished. American achievement in history is FAR from being defined by HD. We went to the moon, developed many things in science and technology and pushed the envelope in many areas.

    Now, as for Troll...

    Quote Originally Posted by Troll
    OK OK OK... I agree to disagree. We have livened the place up a bit in the last 4 days and 50+ posts, though. Do you agree with that?

    Let's talk dirtbikes for a while. Look what you can get for only $10,500.
    I like it. I can get 90% of the way to work off road. That would make the commute interesting! :)

  7. #1067
    Senior Member Inkdcountryboy's Avatar
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    id like to add...

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  8. #1068
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    You make a valid point.

    I'm not arguing... it's debating. I won't deny that I asked for this "debate".

    I guess the only point I want to make in all of this is that I don't agree with the tradition, aura, mystique, soul, whatever you want to call it that HD is selling you. A good motorcycle is not what they're selling you. If you bought into the tradition, aura, mystique, soul or whatever, then like you stated above, that is great, even your RIGHT as an American to spend your money however you want. I got it. But, don't tell everybody else that you bought a good motorcycle at a good price, because you didn't.

    I ain't buyin' that part.

    As a postscript, I would also like to add that I may very well buy another HD someday. So, what the hell does that mean?
    I got my HD (even tho its a sportster) for a great deal. And 98% of the people i know who ride and ride alot own harleys and the guys that dont own harleys they ALWAYS use the same excuse or reason I CANT AFFORD ONE, so i ask them if they could afford one would they and they all say yes. So from talking to many different people it seems that the "jap" bike is just a cheap alternative because someone wants a cruiser but cant jump to a 14-20k HD.

    And i do not look down to anyone who doesnt own a HD and never look up to someone who does. I could care less what ANYONE spent their hard earned money on as to they are the one riding them. Thats why i ride with anyone who has a bike cause thats all that really matters doesn't

    And how isnt a HD a good bike? I know of atleast 6 people with over 100k miles on there hds and the guy i work with is close to 200k on his. I have yet to met anyone who owns a "jap" bikes (besides a goldwing owner) to have close to those miles. Harleys are not what they used to be as well as everything ever made. There is always room for improvement on all vehicles made. Comparing an old hd with the reputation to leak oil and breakdown to a new HD is like comparing a stock 200hp 5.0 in the foxbodys to the new 2011 400hp 5.0.

  9. #1069
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    and as far as paying 15k on a used older harley as to some people is stupid is the EXACT situation as someone paying 30k PLUS for an older 60s muscle car that cost 3k BRAND NEW, but i really don't see anyone complaing about those?

  10. #1070
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    and as far as paying 15k on a used older harley as to some people is stupid is the EXACT situation as someone paying 30k PLUS for an older 60s muscle car that cost 3k BRAND NEW, but i really don't see anyone complaing about those?
    I think here it depends on how you define "older harley". If you meant a 60's pre-AMF then as a collector vehicle I see the point.

  11. #1071
    Right Wing Nut Dragger Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott5 View Post
    And how isnt a HD a good bike?
    well, maybe I make some assumptions because I only owned a Sportster, but I have to think the rest of the line has similar problems as far as quality and workmanship.

    On mine, the bolt that holds the rubber mount in the front of the engine right behind the forward controls kept backing out. The mirrors and front turn signals came loose repeatedly even after applying loctite repeatedly. The forks bottomed out over the smallest of bumps and I only weigh 160lbs soaking wet and I'm talking an audible clunk and you could feel it. Have you changed your oil filter yet on your bike? There is no way possible to get it off there without spilling it all over the front of the engine and no way to fit anything in there to catch it... not even a piece of aluminum foil. The brakes absolutely sucked front and back... period.

    I'll stop here... just a few examples. I chose to trade it in on the Buell which is a much better built motorcycle as a whole... probably why HD scrapped him. People were able to see side by side the major quality differences right in HD's own showroom.
    2019 Colorado ZR2

  12. #1072
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    well, maybe I make some assumptions because I only owned a Sportster, but I have to think the rest of the line has similar problems as far as quality and workmanship.

    On mine, the bolt that holds the rubber mount in the front of the engine right behind the forward controls kept backing out. The mirrors and front turn signals came loose repeatedly even after applying loctite repeatedly. The forks bottomed out over the smallest of bumps and I only weigh 160lbs soaking wet and I'm talking an audible clunk and you could feel it. Have you changed your oil filter yet on your bike? There is no way possible to get it off there without spilling it all over the front of the engine and no way to fit anything in there to catch it... not even a piece of aluminum foil. The brakes absolutely sucked front and back... period.

    I'll stop here... just a few examples. I chose to trade it in on the Buell which is a much better built motorcycle as a whole... probably why HD scrapped him. People were able to see side by side the major quality differences right in HD's own showroom.
    That's unfortunate! I guess I've been very lucky with my last 4 Harley's. Last year I put about 6,200 miles on my Road Glide and had zero issues!

    Speaking of Sportster's ..... Danny do you have any updated pics to post?
    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  13. #1073
    Stocker Chevrolet Subaru mr4teth's Avatar
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    Here some PICS from WOW car show and a little inspiration for Danny!

    2007 GT500 with a few go fast parts
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    Quote Originally Posted by SonofaBish View Post
    ...... GT500 is the most over-rated car ever made

  14. #1074
    Rollin in my 5.0 Shorty429's Avatar
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    I know we don't have a lot of sportbike riders on here. But I'm looking to finish up fixing my bike after it was hit and all I need is a set of rearsets. Has anyone had any experience? What brands are good?

    1998 GT- PI swap, 3.73's, off road h pipe, flows & some suspension goodies

    White 1986 GT T-Tops- BBK shorties, RAM clutch/flywheel, Bassani catted x pipe, MSD ignition, MAC cai, LMM lowering springs, adjustable skocks & struts, MGW short throw, DD

    Black 2009 Yamaha YZF-R6- custom levers, -1 front sprocket, Jardine GP-1 exhaust, HIDs, custom undertail, custom black windscreen.

  15. #1075
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll View Post
    well, maybe I make some assumptions because I only owned a Sportster, but I have to think the rest of the line has similar problems as far as quality and workmanship.

    On mine, the bolt that holds the rubber mount in the front of the engine right behind the forward controls kept backing out. The mirrors and front turn signals came loose repeatedly even after applying loctite repeatedly. The forks bottomed out over the smallest of bumps and I only weigh 160lbs soaking wet and I'm talking an audible clunk and you could feel it. Have you changed your oil filter yet on your bike? There is no way possible to get it off there without spilling it all over the front of the engine and no way to fit anything in there to catch it... not even a piece of aluminum foil. The brakes absolutely sucked front and back... period.

    I'll stop here... just a few examples. I chose to trade it in on the Buell which is a much better built motorcycle as a whole... probably why HD scrapped him. People were able to see side by side the major quality differences right in HD's own showroom.
    I got my first service thrown in for free when i bought my bike so i havent tried to change the oil yet, so i cant say anything about that. The brakes i agree suck BUT its hard to compare the buell stopping power to a HD cause they are two different bikes made for two different reasons with the buell being twice as light and brakes being twice as big. I personally thought the buell was ALOT harder to work on. (have you changed the plugs yet?) The HD is alot more open and more room to work. I personally havent had any issues with my sportser what so ever but i only was able to put 2200 miles on it in the 3 months i was able to ride it.

    As far as the buell being much better built i can make an opinion on but i didnt have any issues with my buell(lil over 6k miles) and i also havent had any issues with my HD so far, but time will tell.

  16. #1076
    Senior Member scott5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shorty429 View Post
    I know we don't have a lot of sportbike riders on here. But I'm looking to finish up fixing my bike after it was hit and all I need is a set of rearsets. Has anyone had any experience? What brands are good?
    a what? sportbike? whats that?

  17. #1077
    Slow Vehicles Team SonofaBish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shorty429 View Post
    I know we don't have a lot of sportbike riders on here. But I'm looking to finish up fixing my bike after it was hit and all I need is a set of rearsets. Has anyone had any experience? What brands are good?
    I would just get a set of stock ones.... i would think that a used set can be picked up the cheapest (either on a forum or ebay).... i know they look good, but the only real reason to get aftermarket ones is if you're dragging pegs - i'm willing to bet you're not.... also, the aftermarket rearsets will go up and back, so they'll be less comfortable...
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  18. #1078
    SexyManBeast KeystoneJohnny's Avatar
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    Rear Sets

    Quote Originally Posted by Shorty429 View Post
    I know we don't have a lot of sportbike riders on here. But I'm looking to finish up fixing my bike after it was hit and all I need is a set of rearsets. Has anyone had any experience? What brands are good?

    I had vortex on my last bike. I liked them for the price. It's up to you there are alot of models and for what reason are you after them to be more comfortable (a.k.a. rider position) or eye candy or for racing ergo's. I'm a Honda guy when it comes to my toys and a lot of guys I see on the forums use vortex. I would look at some local web forums for your bike and throw up a post if you can't find it under the search about which rear sets in their opinion will fit your needs.
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  19. #1079
    Dead Sea Racing Crew phillysrt4's Avatar
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    Woodcraft also makes rearsets for your bike.

  20. #1080
    Rollin in my 5.0 Shorty429's Avatar
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    The reason I'm looking to buy new ones is a combination of the better ergos and eye candy. My rear brake has always felt too low IMO ever since I got the bike and I'd like the sets to sit a little farther back. But, for only those reasons I'm not sure the 350+ would be money well spent. Are there any cheaper brands that are maybe a happy medium between the driven, woodcraft, or vortex rearsets and the stockers?

    1998 GT- PI swap, 3.73's, off road h pipe, flows & some suspension goodies

    White 1986 GT T-Tops- BBK shorties, RAM clutch/flywheel, Bassani catted x pipe, MSD ignition, MAC cai, LMM lowering springs, adjustable skocks & struts, MGW short throw, DD

    Black 2009 Yamaha YZF-R6- custom levers, -1 front sprocket, Jardine GP-1 exhaust, HIDs, custom undertail, custom black windscreen.

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